السبت، 21 مايو 2011

What Are The Guitar Strings Names

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  • farmermac
    Mar 30, 11:22 AM
    i love when big companies publicly fight like this. Dont really care about the actual issue, but the details are so interesting. The lawyers basically make it look like children are fighting.

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  • bjdku
    Sep 26, 10:18 AM
    Been saying it on the forums forever.
    2007 Apple pulls iTunes from Motorola
    2008 Apple launches iPhone with Cingular

    Ya, that is why you just registered in April and have only 8 posts.:rolleyes:

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  • jaigo
    Oct 12, 03:36 PM
    why is apple wasting time, money and resources on a damn red U2 ipod? I hope the Zune becomes a big hit and takes a big chunk out of apple market share so they can focus on making a better product instead of these stupid minor updates and colors. :mad:

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  • iMacZealot
    Sep 17, 08:29 PM
    And there are several ways to dial abroad using a US carrier.

    Cingular (GSM) is $1.29/min in Europe. (About .68 pounds in the UK)
    Verizon (CDMA) has dual CDMA/GSM phones that are $1.49 in Europe. (about .79 pounds.)
    Sprint (CDMA) also has some dual CDMA/GSM phones that are also $1.49 a minut in Europe.

    Although the best deal is with T-Mobile (GSM)> $.99 in Europe. (Or .52 pounds)

    So we, too, have international choices.

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  • Silencio
    Oct 12, 02:04 PM
    Way to display your ignorance, Saladin.

    Don't you know that Led Zeppelin never licenses their name and music for anything? Besides Cadillac and the Almost Famous soundtrack.

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  • mwayne85
    Apr 25, 04:51 PM
    Right, because I get high-speed internet everywhere! Because my MacBook Pro has 4G (and because 4G, itself, is ubiquitous). Because with a "MacBook Pro", I enjoy the inconvenience of having to have an external optical drive (because after all, the MacBook PRO line is all about conservation of space). Most people with the anti-superdrive arguments don't realize how very selfish and ridiculous their stances are. Luckily for them, there's an app for that, namely the MacBook Air.

    I don't see why anybody would need an optical drive with them at all times. The Macbook Air is not an option for people who use CPU intensive apps daily.

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  • jamesryanbell
    Apr 22, 11:19 AM
    The crappy Intel IGP overshadows everything else (as far as what matters to me), but I'm sure people with more processor needs will benefit from this. It's a second computer to me, and I have zero need for anything faster, processor-wise.

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  • technicolor
    Sep 12, 03:15 PM
    why are you confused??? video play got extended, what do you expect more than that??

    i'm just glad that my 5gen didn't get outdated so fast
    Because they use the same battery, how can videos play longer and not music?

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  • jwdsail
    Aug 31, 02:52 PM

    Still can't get excited about any of the paid video content on iTMS myself...

    I'm still hoping to see 540p files that iTunes "automagically" resizes for proper DVD burning and iPod use, while using the 540p version for users with HDTVs attached to their Macs... Have the video DRM work more like the audio "FairPlay" DRM...

    Until then, I'll be happy to download the free episodes that sometimes are offered.. But I'm waiting to pay until Apple provides me with the quality of some of my favorite *FREE* video podcasts.. (MacBreak, TWiT video, DL.TV, CommandN, TikiBar, etc)

    What I'd rather see announced, is Core 2 updates to the iMac and and MBP.

    Would love to see a mini tower/Cube neo/Mac mini Extreme... Core 2, 4 ram slots, one or two (for SLI/Crossfire) open PCIe slot(s), 3.5" SATA HD.... sigh...

    I suspect we'll get ourselves all twisted 'bout this, tune in only to see iPod HiFi v 2.0 instead..


    Just my $0.02US


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  • Vantage Point
    Apr 25, 06:43 PM
    Fearing a design change to something like 16:9 ratio for the 2011 refresh, I bought my 2010 in late November. I really hope they remain the only computer company to not go with the 16:9 ratio. I even keep my dock parked on the side, not the bottom to get the maximum vertical space.

    Other than that the current design is simple and elegant and I love it. Having a snap in slot for a second hard drive which could quickly swap to a DVD drive would be great.

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  • res1233
    Mar 29, 03:06 PM

    Awesome to see Android on the top with Windows. It's about time opensource started taking off. Enough of this Apple closed source junk.

    UHM... iOS is far more open-source than windows is. Nice try... Android might be more open-source though, I'm not sure.

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  • iMeowbot
    Sep 14, 11:14 AM
    Just checked again. It does appear that laptops are ready to go on 9-22, 9-25, and 9-27, depending on which model and size. Still, that gives Apple some "breathing room" to release theirs.
    Well... there is a backlog now, but Merom Dell notebooks are already shipping (http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=77155).

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  • Buschmaster
    Oct 28, 09:04 AM
    It isn't like I "hate the world" or anything, even though reading through this thread some people might thing so just by my saying this...

    If I payed all that money to get into that expo (it is as expensive as the ones in the States, right?) and someone was being annoying? I'd want them gone, as well. We just got rid of all solicitation on my floor at college, and it isn't like every candidate who stopped by I hated, but they were sure hoping they could make it that way. And the vegans... man do they not give up. I wanted to start heating hot dogs in the microwave just so they'd get out!!

    If I'm enjoying myself at the time they come in, they can change some of that. And I don't know the whole story, but if people were complaining about them, then they should be kicked out.

    Maybe they're still just searching for Elaine Bennis...? They never leave a message undelivered, I hear.

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  • Repo
    Apr 30, 03:48 PM
    Curious that everyone is clamoring for a thunderbolt-enabled machine, but there isn't a single thunderbolt drive available on the market.

    Apple did the same thing with USB.

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  • FSUSem1noles
    Apr 22, 05:28 AM
    Great, another way to chew through our cellular data..

    I can see it now, after the release of this "cloud service" the cell companies are going to scream bloody murder "our networks can't handle all this data consumption on, we have to raise rates to upgrade our infrastructure, yada, yada.."

    Zooooooom, we the consumer get the shaft yet again!

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  • blahblah100
    Mar 30, 12:48 PM
    Sue M$

    What about App�� ?

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  • tyzilla
    Sep 14, 10:38 PM
    Not sure why people would get excited about an iCamera. There are many excellent DSLRs out now from companies that have a lot more expertise in building cameras than Apple. I'd rather have a Canon Rebel XT or maybe that new Pentax.

    by the looks of the description he/she gave of the "iCamera" or "iDSLR," it was a joke. that's just my take though.

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  • rotobadger
    Mar 30, 01:23 PM
    Thats a pretty good point. But After some research I found they trademarked the phrase "THE Container store" not Container Store.

    As posted above, "RoomStore" is trademarked, however.

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  • briloronmacrumo
    Mar 22, 08:45 PM
    When the new version comes out, the iMac you bought won't be any slower..

    GeekBench 2 benchmarks http://www.primatelabs.ca/blog/2011/02/macbookpro-benchmarks-early-2011/ of the new MBPs with Sandy Bridge would indicate otherwise. This review said: "....the fastest MacBook Pro is 80% faster than the fastest previous-generation MacBook Pro.". My guess is a similar situation might be true for the iMac and it will be faster ( otherwise, there's little point to a rev )

    Apr 11, 08:15 AM
    I can't imagine how Apple could have thought they could keep that private key secret forever.

    been secret since '04

    Apr 22, 11:45 AM
    Ooh, I wonder what the other upgrades will be. Macbook Airs are becoming really awesome notebooks. Hopefully it someday takes over the macbook. iPad <Macbook (Air) < Macbook Pro < iMac < Mac Pro

    That's what's going to happen, I'm sure of it. And I'm honestly kind of impressed that the MacBook Pro still doesn't give you an option to buy one without a DVD drive; I have a 2011 MBP and I swear, it doesn't get any use whatsoever. Apple's obsession with using every square millimeter of space on a portable device apparently ends when it comes to optical disk drives on MBPs.

    I'd much rather have additional battery life. QC i7s eat battery for breakfast, even Sandy Bridge.

    Sep 14, 08:26 AM
    This can be good...does look like a photo only event....but we can still hope (iPhone with great camrea ?)
    Is that wise? The camera in cellphones is at best a sorry excuse. Introducing a crappy camera at photokina... I don't know
    Still I would love to see the iPhone.

    Apr 14, 02:11 PM
    in all seriousness people, this thing http://snowulf.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/USB-3-Mini-B-Connector.jpg is going to scare people off...

    Sep 9, 02:16 PM
    Heh, that's pretty funny. I have quite a few applications that'll hit one core at 100%. (Q emulator is the best example) Luckily, even though it's not multi-threaded a have another core free to do my work while Q eats up 100% of one.

    I run Windows 98 in Q for laughs. I liked Windows 98...Exactly. A perfect example where one application topping out on only one core leaves the entire other one for other stuff. Probably a good thing to have that limit.

    In fact, in future, I could see where application developers let the user in preferences tell the application how many cores to be allowed to use. Give the user a choice of how many cores he/she wants a particular process to use. That would be a way cool improvement in all application preferences. Would prevent any one applicaiton from hosing the computer due to core hogging.

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