الاثنين، 23 مايو 2011

2007 Volkswagen Space Up Blue Concept

2007 Volkswagen Space Up Blue Concept. Volkswagen Space Up Blue
  • Volkswagen Space Up Blue

  • generik
    Aug 29, 07:37 AM

    Store is still up, i don't think today is the day.

    What time is it in the Americas now?

    2007 Volkswagen Space Up Blue Concept. 2007 Volkswagen Space Up Blue
  • 2007 Volkswagen Space Up Blue

  • rmwebs
    Apr 25, 02:38 PM
    I'd like to see something along the lines of carbon fiber. I'm fed up of being shocked by my unearthed mac book pro, and very fed up of the razor sharp edges they seem to like so much. It makes me look like I've tried slitting my wrists :p

    The obvious downside with using a non-metal is the heat. They have relied on the aluminium to act as a giant heatsink, and I fear not using aluminium again would result in a thicker, hotter model!

    2007 Volkswagen Space Up Blue Concept. Volkswagen Space Up Blue Concept 2007 poster NC215855
  • Volkswagen Space Up Blue Concept 2007 poster NC215855

  • HecubusPro
    Sep 13, 09:18 PM
    Not what i was looking for
    I wanted a smart phone wheres the keyboard ?
    i can buy an itunes phone right now from cingular but i dont want one
    what makes them think i will buy one now because its from apple and not motorola

    I think one of the main tenets to apple's philosophy is simplicity, from their iPods to their computer systems to their OS. I just could not see apple releasing something to a consumer market that would place it over the heads of everyday, casual users, which is who apple traditionally aims for. A smart iPhone would add way too much complexity for that basic demographic.

    If this is truly what to expect when the phone comes out, then it's obviously not for you. While I too would like to see something as you described, I also find the simplicity of apple products alluring. I'd be very interested in this product.

    2007 Volkswagen Space Up Blue Concept. VW Space Up Blue Concept
  • VW Space Up Blue Concept

  • Silentwave
    Jul 15, 10:12 AM
    Have anybody seen a benchmark which compares the core 2 duo with the actuall core duo?

    I can only see benchmarks between core 2 duo and AMD CPU's and standard dual core Pentium 4 cpu.


    Core 2 duo out so far is a desktop chip being compared against other dektop chips. The Core Duo only came as a notebook chip (with one version as a very low power server chip, Sossaman)

    2007 Volkswagen Space Up Blue Concept. Volkswagen Space Up Blue Concept 2007 poster NC215865
  • Volkswagen Space Up Blue Concept 2007 poster NC215865

  • cube
    Mar 30, 12:04 PM
    I'm not sure why there is so much argument about the term "app". The trademark is for "App Store" not for "app". It would be like arguing that "Burger King" is not a valid trademark because "burger" is a generic term.

    What about "Burger Store" ?

    2007 Volkswagen Space Up Blue Concept. 2007 Volkswagen Space Up Blue
  • 2007 Volkswagen Space Up Blue

  • *LTD*
    Apr 29, 06:08 AM
    That can be viewed another way. Apple is too cheap to bother risking anything that is not a sure bet.


    The exact OPPOSITE is true.

    Apple takes some serious risks. How else do they move the entire industry in new directions?

    iPhone. iPad. Both massive risks. Both were dismissed by major industry players. The iPad especially was dismissed by a lot of folks on MR. Vertical business model in an industry where everyone in in a race to the bottom and where some version of Windows dominates on computers. Big risk. Completely ditching OS 9 overnight and moving to OS X. Big risk as well. Apple is really the only one on the block that bothers to try new things.

    Here's some claim chowder. Mmmm, deeeelish!


    Am I the only one who thinks Acer is right and they are not worried nor expect the iPad to do little to no damage to their netbook market.

    The iPad is basicly nothing more then a iPod touch with a bigger screen. Yes the bigger screen offers some extras stuff but still you suffer the same limitition of the iPhone/iPod Touch OS and are trapped in apple's sand box.

    The iPad is not going to replace a traveling computer because it is just way to limited. It has piss poor way of connecting to USB/SD card. You are still required to carry a dedicated keyboard if you want to get much work done that way and so on.

    The Netbook on the other had is a great for business travelers. It is a full flege computer. Yeah it has a small screen but it is the same size a the iPad and a full size keyboard and more powerful OS.

    iPad is a consumer level devices. Netbook is a bussiness/Enterprise level device. That is 2 very different markets. The Netbook is not designed to replace a deticated desktop/Main laptop neither is the iPad. Netbooks are designed to make traveling with a computer a hell of a lot nicer.

    Lets compare the 2.

    Checking Email-- I give that to the iPad.
    Responding to Email - Netbook due to keyboard.
    Over all email - Netbook

    Surfing the internet - Netbook due to flash support

    Reading the news - iPad.
    Reading books - iPad.

    Getting real work done (word documents excel sheets ect.) -- Netbook.

    iPad - Consumer device something apple has proven it is damn good at.

    Netbook --Enterprise/ Bussiness device -- Something apple has shown time and time again it has craptactor support and does not really even bother making stuff to into that market.

    So what happened? This "oversized iPod Touch" did this:


    In its quarterly filing, Microsoft indicated that the consumer PC market was the primary culprit for the decline � pointing in particular to a 40 percent decline in netbook sales in the consumer market. That�s more evidence of the iPad�s impact on the market. Many consumers are opting for the Apple slate rather than Windows-based netbooks to fill the gap between the PC and the phone.

    40% decline in netbooks, huh?

    Remember seeing articles like these a while back?

    David Carnoy, February 2009: "Why Apple Must Do a Netbook Now"
    Preston Gralla, March 2009: "Why Apple Will Have to Release a Netbook"
    Charles Moore, March 2010: "Apple Still Needs a Sub-$700 Conventional Notebook"

    Apple TOOK A RISK and did the iPad instead. And look what happened.

    Cheap netbook junk is circling the drain and major players are suddenly in the tablet game full-tilt. AFTER Apple laid the groundwork. Apple's big risks pay off. Whether Apple thinks they're a "sure thing" is a different story. They're likely pretty confident in what they produce because they know better than everyone else, whether it's the other major industry players, pundits, etc.

    MS' backbone is their universal licensing racket. Winblows on PCs. No need to innovate. Blame netbook decline. Blame a "market reset." Blame your mom. But never blame your aging cash cow whose udders are now almost completely dry. MS is NOT a risk-taker. Especially in the enterprise. Especially in operating systems. Especially by copying Apple 3 years late ALMOST EVERY TIME. Let Apple take the risks, and then Zune it! Or release a smartphone no one really gives a damn about.

    Please, don't go talking about risks. Because the only one to have any friggin' shred of creativity in the industry and the power to mass produce the fruits of it is Apple. Their moves for the past decade have been nothing less than complete and total daring. They often come out of left field with products that no one initially understands, that are laughingly dismissed by other major players (Ballmer on the iPhone, nearly everyone on the iPod), but that we end up using and everyone else ends up copying shortly after. Part of the reason an industry player that does the exact opposite of the other major players is about to surpass Exxon Mobil as the most valuable company on the planet.

    2007 Volkswagen Space Up Blue Concept. 2007 Volkswagen Space Up Blue
  • 2007 Volkswagen Space Up Blue

  • n-abounds
    Oct 12, 09:09 PM
    I'm gonna have to see it in person first. Although, my birthday is coming up soon.

    2007 Volkswagen Space Up Blue Concept. Volkswagen Space Up Blue
  • Volkswagen Space Up Blue

  • EagerDragon
    Sep 14, 05:54 PM
    Is there any chance that they'll release the MBPs here?
    Good chance, but just a guess, the chip been out a while now.

    2007 Volkswagen Space Up Blue Concept. Volkswagen Space Up Blue -
  • Volkswagen Space Up Blue -

  • FloatingBones
    Apr 20, 01:18 PM
    This is a huge concern because of the use by law enforcement (http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-20055431-1.html) of the Cellebrite device to download and scrutinize the data in cell phones. Apparently, police departments in Michigan are using this device when pulling drivers on traffic violations. Here (http://www.thenewspaper.com/news/34/3458.asp) is another article on the use in Michigan.

    Cellebrite's widget is apparently able to download and scrutinize (http://www.cellebrite.com/news-and-events/press-releases/190-cellebrite-releases-ufed-physical-analyzer-version-20-the-new-standard-for-mobile-phone-forensics-.html) the data from a vast variety of mobile devices, including Blackberry phones and the iPhone.
    Isn't this illegal search and seizure?

    The ACLU is trying to get records from the Michigan State Police are using the devices under the FOIA. The MSP says that complying with the FOIA request would cost them money; they are asking for over $500,000 to provide the information.

    Read the articles I referenced above. I'd also recommend looking on the ACLU site to see what they have to say.

    2007 Volkswagen Space Up Blue Concept. 2007 Volkswagen Space Up
  • 2007 Volkswagen Space Up

  • mox358
    Sep 4, 09:29 PM
    There may be lots of TV options out there, but right now Apple isn't servicing any of them. They're losing potential business to 3rd Party companies like Elgato. If they released a simple box with analog/digital standard/hidef options, they would be servicing the overwhelming majority of the market (most digital, satelite and other special services require set-top boxes anyway).

    I really doubt that Apple will put a TV tuner in this thing (if it's real). Think about it -

    Point 1 - If Apple puts a tuner in then they have to deal with the myriad of different types of TV.

    Point 2 - THEY SELL TV SHOWS!

    Does Steve want you to Tivo the new episode of "The Office" on your "MediaMac/Airport Express Video/Super iPod" or does he want you to come to the iTunes store and download it for $2? Apple, despite most of our (including my own) beliefs is a business and they have to think of the $$$ first.

    Why give something away when you can make money off it? That's still my theory as to why the mini didn't have a tuner from the start.

    2007 Volkswagen Space Up Blue Concept. Volkswagen space up! lue
  • Volkswagen space up! lue

  • Squonk
    Sep 12, 02:59 PM
    In the past, when Apple has released new models, on the "deals" page, they would sell off the old *new boxed* stock for a little less than the new models. Sometimes these were a great deal, other times, not so much. Anyway, with the iMac and Mac Mini updates last week and the iPod updates today, it appears that there is no "old stock" products for sale from Apple. I was hoping to pick up the 5G/60GB to replace my 4G/60GB as I'd now like the bigger screen. Yes, I am looking for a deal... Or how about a 1G/1G shuffle for $49???

    Does anyone know how Apple is getting rid of the old?

    2007 Volkswagen Space Up Blue Concept. 2007 Volkswagen Space Up! Blue
  • 2007 Volkswagen Space Up! Blue

  • Pravius
    Apr 22, 07:52 AM
    Yeah, my sentiments exactly. This seems pretty useless, at least for me. I can't get too excited about it.

    Hard Drives are mechanical, they die. I would personally use this as a backup and to listen when I am at work. I can have access to my entire music library from multiple devices. I have a 16gb iPhone, my entire library will not come close to fitting on that.

    2007 Volkswagen Space Up Blue Concept. Samba Bus. Volkswagen
  • Samba Bus. Volkswagen

  • Apple Shmapple
    Sep 12, 04:17 PM
    I just watched the stream. Not before Christmas. Jobs made it pretty clear that these updates and new iPods are the holiday product line up.

    That's just sad. Incredibly, incredibly sad.

    Guess I'll go hit ebay for a 4th gen 20 gig since the 5th gen offers nothing new (4:3 2 inch screen video playback is not a "feature") and this 'update' offers even less.

    I'd be surprised if Apple sells HALF the number of iPods this holiday season vs. last.

    2007 Volkswagen Space Up Blue Concept. volkswagen space up blue
  • volkswagen space up blue

  • KarlOlsson
    Apr 4, 12:19 PM
    I'm as pro gun rights as anyone, but this sounds like a problem for the security guard. Unless that guard's life was in danger, there was no reason to shoot anyone, especially in the head. The placement of that shot was no accident.

    That being said, I'm sure there are a lot of facts we don't know. Innocent until proven guilty, of course.

    According to SD news , camera shows the guard took over 10 rounds directed towards him before returning fire, over 40 shots fired by by all 4 present 1guard 3suspects, so I would think deadly force was indeed needed, and FYI he was not a "Mall Cop" he was working for a privet security firm that ear all licensed to carry guns....

    2007 Volkswagen Space Up Blue Concept. Volkswagen Space Up Blue Concept 2007 poster NC215337
  • Volkswagen Space Up Blue Concept 2007 poster NC215337

  • Sydde
    Apr 11, 12:15 PM
    Which is why the US


    and Sweden


    What is this supposed to show? That US corporations are more profitable? Is that a good thing? For whom?

    2007 Volkswagen Space Up Blue Concept. Volkswagen space up! lue
  • Volkswagen space up! lue

  • alent1234
    Mar 29, 11:43 AM
    When Windows starts to come close to SL in terms of ease of use and functionality let me know ;)

    when closing an application in OS X is as easy as clicking an X in the top right corner let me know

    even though iOS is a lot better than android some of the over simplicity is annoying on the iphone

    2007 Volkswagen Space Up Blue Concept. 2007 Volkswagen Space Up
  • 2007 Volkswagen Space Up

  • linux2mac
    Apr 4, 12:53 PM
    It's only fantasy because not enough law-abiding civilians are toting guns.

    Virginia Tech, Trolley Square, Columbine, Ft. Hood, the list goes on and on - someone trained, armed, and on location in any of those tragedies could have been a godsend.

    The fact an off-duty policeman was onsite at Trolley Square certainly saved many lives, but an armed, trained civilian could have done the same.


    Criminals have the edge because they know most law abiding citizens are not armed.

    2007 Volkswagen Space Up Blue Concept. 2008 Volkswagen space up! lue
  • 2008 Volkswagen space up! lue

  • HarryKeogh
    Mar 22, 01:39 PM
    As someone looking forward to buying my very first Mac desktop; I must say this is a pretty lame rumour. 'Sandy Bridge'? 'Thunderbolt'? Nothing surprising; everyone here was expecting these two items. I want more specific rumours!:p

    The wait continues...:(

    I hear the Magic Mouse it comes packaged with will have double the retinas as previous models.

    2007 Volkswagen Space Up Blue Concept. Volkswagen Space Up! Blue
  • Volkswagen Space Up! Blue

  • crap freakboy
    Sep 5, 05:12 PM
    Mmmmm....how much?
    I get unlimited DVD rentals via post, 3 at a time- latest released.
    Add MTR and toast...match that Apple then I'll be interested

    Apr 19, 11:33 AM
    There is an upside to being exempt. While it's true I don't get paid extra if I work 45 hours this week, I will also not be paid less if I work 35 hours next week. In my job one is just as likely as the other.

    Mar 23, 04:35 PM
    Restriction of the freedom perfectly legal information on the internet is always a bad idea. Who knows what they'd ask to be pulled next.

    I never understood why we let old men who know nothing about technology or the internet make up laws that govern it.

    Merely trying to get rid of the apps wont solve anything and its naive to think it will.

    Mar 30, 01:23 PM
    You would not have said "What on earth is an app store?". You would have said "Where is it?" because you would have known it is a place that sells apps/applications. Why? Because it is descriptive. And that is the point of the argument.

    It looks descriptive to you because there is an App Store for your Mac and there is an App Store for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. If Apple hadn't invented the term "App Store" and used it for its super successful site, you would never have heard the term, and you wouldn't know what it means.

    Applications are a type of program. They have been called so since the dawn of time.

    When you take some facial cream and put it on your face, that is called "application". When you take some abstract idea and turn it into practice, that is called "application". When you fill out a form to get a passport, that is called "application". "application" is a word with many meanings.

    Sep 19, 11:12 PM
    I downloaded 1 movie (FlightPlan) to test the system out, but I won't be buying anymore until it is at least DVD quality (640 x 272 isn't close enough).

    It's bad enough buying a movie without a case, hardcopy, or any bonus features, but to top it off, it isn't even DVD quality... and for that I pay $10?

    Why is Apple always cutting corners? They get so close to great things, but not close enough.

    Oct 12, 02:44 PM
    kinda looks like a Target iPod Nano, no? :p

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