السبت، 21 مايو 2011

Steinway And Sons

Steinway And Sons. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • kevin.rivers
    Jul 14, 12:41 PM
    Yup, I know Apple's marketing loves to be ridiculous. :p 95% of customers* wouldn't notice the difference. I'm one of the 5% who will notice it but its not like I'm buying one, my iMac G5 will keep me happy for another 2+ years.

    *75% of statistics are made up on the spot ;)

    Very nice. :D

    I have to admit, they will be apart of me thats want to drop a Merom into my iMac CD. I may just do it.

    AppleCare or Merom? So many choices!

    Steinway And Sons. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • Maestro64
    Oct 27, 10:42 AM
    I wrote this on another site so if you heard it before that is why:

    I will start by saying groups like greenpeace serve a useful purpose, which is to challenge the status quo in the hopes of improving things in the world.

    However, greenpeace is far from being pure in their own methods. Anyone can point out what is wrong, it take people with true willingness to improve thing to find a solution, not just lobbing gernades into the middle of the table and running.

    Notice how they never answer the questions about how to solve the problem they just say stop using chemicals like brominated flame retardants, with no regard that Apple does not make, or innovate PCB (printed circuit boards). Apple does not dictate or madate what is used to keep a PCB from going up in flames as does any company who uses PCB. The PCB industry does and the world wide public safey agency who say that the PCB will not catch fire and burn your house down have this responsibility.

    Asked yourself, why hasn't the world's governments band bromited fire retardants when it is well know it is bad, really bad. because the best minds in the world have yet to come up with a cost effective alternative solution that will keep a PCB from catching fire and buring your house down. and still pay $200 for your iPod.

    Trust me if greenpeace came up with a green PCB having no impact on the environment the world market would beat their door down to get it. Then they could stop having those poor long hair young kids coming around our neighborhoods asking for money to fight all those big bad companies. But that would be part of the solution instead of being part of the problem.

    Part of the reason most companies do not listen to greenpeace is because, when they offer a solution many times they come back years later and say hey that is bad too. Prime example they and other groups told McDonalds in the 70's to stop using paper products to package their burgers, and told them to use styrofoam since it did not require the cutting of trees. Only to come back years later and say styrofoam was hurting the atmophere and they should use paper products. I think they forgot they told them using paper was bad too.

    BTW, DELL and HP are trying to make the change not because greenpeace told them stop, because it make business sense. The world is changing and people are tired of seeing all this stuff end up in land fills. In Europe they are running out of space and they do not want to see all the nasty stuff end up in their eco system. Europe has said if you can not recycle it, you have to take it back. Again, greenpeace had nothing to do with this, it about trade and the fact that Europe makes less and less products ever year and importors more. It is a trade barrier disguise as protecting the eco system.

    My comment to greenpeace and others is when you are naked in the woods living off the land and not impacting the earth yourself then you have room to critized what the rest of the world is doing. Think about how much greenpeace has impacted the earth getting their message out, all the computers, networks , chemicals, fossil fuel, nuclear engery that was used to just get this message to all of us. They never consider this, becuase they feel it is ok for them to impact the earth as long as they are doing it in the name of conservation.

    Full disclosure, I own Apple stock and as well as I have given money to organization like greenpeace and the Sierra club

    Steinway And Sons. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • Vegasman
    Apr 28, 10:40 PM
    "Racket" is the best word to describe it. I spent thousands on Microsoft and never received a quality product after almost two decades. Shame on them.

    Really!? You never received a quality product? In 20 years? Please tell.

    Steinway And Sons. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • kavika411
    Apr 20, 10:04 AM
    I wonder, if in this day and age of "find my iPhone" and all the location-enabled apps on an iPhone, if it's not actually harder-to-the-point-of-impossible to ensure such information is immediately, constantly erased.

    Steinway And Sons. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • MuDPHuDStudent
    Mar 29, 11:38 AM
    I think they need to learn how to do math. How can you have an 18.8% cumulative annual growth rate when your market share goes down from 15.7% to 15.3%?

    Steinway And Sons. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • n-abounds
    Sep 19, 01:44 PM
    That's really good. I was wondering when we'd get the results of the Movie Store.

    It'd be interesting if there was a way in which we could see if DVD sales were down for those movies due to the Movie Store. Doubt there's a way, but I still have a feeling that these were impulse buys beause people just say them there, and it's not like they were planning on running out to Target or somewhere to get them.

    Personally, I bought Good Will Hunting and Shakespeare In Love. Have yet to watch SIL, but I was very pleased with the clarity of GWH. Too bad my iBook 1.07GHz can't really keep up...and it ran out of juice in the last thirty seconds ;(

    My computer is 3.5 feet from the end of my bed, so it'll be perfect to watch from there on my soon-to-be-delivered 17" iMac. My TV is 20" and is higher up but to the left of my bed. I live in an apartment with flatmates, so I have a lot of stuff in my room.

    Steinway And Sons. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • SodaPopMonster
    Sep 14, 08:48 AM
    I doubt that the iPhone will be something anyone expects- It'l be something that will make people say "We should have thought of that!".

    Steinway And Sons. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • rstansby
    Mar 23, 07:17 PM
    This is a horrible idea. The app is just a method for accessing a database. It could be provided from a web-page just as easily. If Apple bans these apps, then people will either jailbreak, or use safari to access the information. There are much more effective ways to reduce drunk driving.

    Steinway And Sons. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • lkrupp
    Apr 4, 12:07 PM
    I'm actually surprised this doesn't happen more often. Applestores must be filled with cash. I would think one would be a bit easier to rob than a bank.

    I would bet there is actually very little cash in the typical Apple store. I personally have never observed a single customer pay with cash for anything at the two stores in my area. Everybody pays with credit or debit cards.

    These guys were after the products, probably iPhones and iPads, which would bring in some hefty cash on the black market.

    Steinway And Sons. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • EdRossignol
    Oct 27, 10:41 AM

    Steinway And Sons. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • lilo777
    Apr 19, 02:10 PM
    ummmm, yes they do.

    There are plenty of other links (http://www.gadgetsgeek.ly/2011/02/15/apple-to-purchase-7-8-billion-in-parts-from-samsung/) as well supporting Apple's importance to Samsung as their largest customer.

    No they don't. These 8 billion dollars is just a drop in a bucket for Samsung. Their annual revenue is well above $100 billion. As I said, Apple represents just 4% of Samsung sales.

    Steinway And Sons. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • Marx55
    Sep 10, 09:53 AM
    Apple, please,


    A small yet powerful Mac. But this this at a REASONABLE price, to be a best-seller.


    Steinway And Sons. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • nemaslov
    Sep 14, 03:55 PM
    It will be the Apple HAL 9000 computer . Looks like HAL from 2001 A Space Odyssey :D

    "...open the iPod Bay door Hal."

    Steinway And Sons. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • asears08
    Mar 22, 06:40 PM

    Was going to go with one of the new MacBook Pros, but I am more of a desktop guy so I decided to wait.

    Going for the top of the line model.

    Steinway And Sons. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 22, 01:22 PM
    Because part of releasing a new, backwards approaching, IGP in the 13" MBP required saving face for both its MacBook "PRO" name and Intel's IGP capabilities itself.

    If the resolution is upgraded to 1440x900, the IGP is going to perform worse in comparison to the prior 13" MBP...

    Hum... that's the point, you wouldn't even notice that in regular desktop usage, only in gaming and then only if you usually game on the internal display.

    The framebuffer resolutions required for desktop usage have been pushed by GPUs much less than the SB graphics. Again, my Matrox G200 could power a 1600x1200 monitor with ease with about 1% of the processing power of a 9400M, much less that of the 320M or the Intel 3000HD.

    These GPUs can power 30" monitors at 2560x1600 and their internal display on the laptops without breaking a sweat, at the same time. You wouldn't notice a degradation in performance. I'm writing this right now with my MBA connected to a 2048x1156 monitor and it's also powering its own 1440x900 display where iTunes is displayed. I'm not seeing this "degradation" you speak of.

    This, again, only applies to 3D gaming. We don't know why the MBP didn't get the resolution upgrade and I can garantee you it has nothing to do with the GPU.

    Steinway And Sons. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • pengu
    Sep 17, 08:25 PM
    WRONG GSM does NOT work in Japan. You can't go to any country and use it. Japan doesn't have GSM.

    ok. see, if you actually READ my post, you would know that I said
    I can take my phone to any country with a GSM network

    Steinway And Sons. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • Guirgi
    Sep 14, 10:09 AM
    OK, I'm new to Macs, and so I've never made a What's-Steve-gonna-do-next prediction before, but you guys are having too much fun; so I'm gonna give it a try!

    I think Apple set a precedent with the release of the C2D IMacs. It was a quiet release, and Steve didn't even mention them at Tuesday's presentation. I don't see why he would do anything different with the MBP's, unless Apple is releasing a drastically new model of the MBP, which I doubt since they have not even been out a year. So, if we get C2D MBP around this event, it will be next Tues or Wed, and it will be a semi-quiet release, just like the IMacs.

    I do think we'll see new cinema displays. Apple recently dropped the price of the current models and "updated" the specs, but I'm not convinced that there was actually any change in the hardware. There is no standardization to the monitor specs, so there's probably quite a bit of freedom that can be taken into assigning the different numbers. I called Apple store a few weeks ago to ask them about the new specs, and the guy didn't even know they had changed! I think the recent price drop signals an upgrade in the near future, and what better forum than a photography convention?

    Of course, I also think Aperture 2 will be there as well. I would also guess at new ISight cameras. The old ones are definitely starting to show their age, especially for the price.

    So to sum up:

    1. Possible quiet release of C2D MBP next week.
    2. Aperture 2, ISight camera, and new displays on the 24th.

    Just my thoughts.

    That was fun!

    Steinway And Sons. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • MacRumors
    Sep 5, 01:44 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Several news outlets are confirming (http://www.macworld.com/news/2006/09/05/showtime/index.php) the media event that Apple is holding on September 12th 2006.

    More details of the event were released to day when Apple sent out invitations to select media members. The invites says "It's Showtime":


    First word of the event leaked out (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/08/20060831122800.shtml) on August 31st, with multiple reports of a media event to be held in San Francisco. Today, the digital invitations were sent out confirming the event and setting a time and place.

    The announcements will take place at 10:00am Pacific time at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in downtown San Francisco. Based on the title of the invitation, it appears likely that the long rumored Movie Store will finally be released.

    Businessweek recently provided (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/08/20060831122800.shtml) some early details of the service, which they claim to offer movies from $9.99-$14.99. Meanwhile, Appleinsider feels (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060904194920.shtml) a new video streaming device will also be introduced. Meanwhile, Core 2 Duo iMacs (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060901123538.shtml) and new iPods (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060904073025.shtml) are also expected.

    If you have access to this media event, please contact us (mailto:webmaster@macrumors.com?Subject=Showtime Event).

    Steinway And Sons. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • McGiord
    Mar 29, 01:30 PM
    Oracle's lawsuit against Google is airtight. Android's use of a non-compliant virtual machine (the Dalvik VM) is a clear violation of the Java license agreement. And there's legal precedent: Microsoft paid Sun $20 million back in 2001 when Sun successfully sued them for trying to "embrace, extend, and extinguish" Java.

    Google will lose the lawsuit. And nobody has ever accused Larry Ellison of being Mr. Nice Guy. He doesn't want money this time. He wants to protect the intellectual property Oracle acquired from Sun. He wants all copies of Android to be "impounded and destroyed" (a direct quote from text of the suit.) Because if Google is allowed to plagiarize and distort Java, others will follow. Ellison is making an example of Google, and it's going to be a law school textbook IP case study for the ages.

    Soon Android will be off the market while Google is forced to retool their JVM to be 100% Java compliant. Google is already scrambling to get rid of their non-compliant Dalvik VM. They actually hired James Gosling, the "inventor" of Java, so they've got religion now.

    And, although money isn't the motivating factor behind the Oracle lawsuit, it is a factor nonetheless. Google will end up paying Oracle a license fee for each and every generic me-too Android iPhone clone and iPad clone that their hardware partners can mash up. And that erases Android's only advantage over WP7. Android will no longer be free.

    So, when Android is off the market, Nokia's WP7 phones will have a chance to avoid becoming KIN 2.0. There will be a window of opportunity for Nokia and Microsoft to build up a little market share. Some corporations and consumers will buy Nokia WP7 phones just because Nokia and Microsoft are "too big to die." (And just when Google thinks it's safe, when they've implemented a 100% compliant JVM, Apple can sue them for GUI patent infringement. But that's another story...)

    In the meantime, both WP7 and Nokia will have zero market presence. For all of 2011 and part of 2012. That's an eternity.

    Well I missed this news. Can you please share a link/source about this?

    Apr 14, 06:47 PM
    This may seem a bit catty, but that USB 3 logo is one of the ugliest, most amateurish attempts at graphic art I have seen out of a major operation in a very long time... Guter Gott!

    Apr 23, 01:55 PM
    I am curious about something. Intel is apparently having difficulty dealing with ATI, which is owned by AMD. Is this a problem for Apple that is limited to notebooks only? It seems like the new MBP doesn't have this same problem, except in the 13" model. Is this problem going to affect Apple's desktop machines? Or is it only limited to the very small laptops and perhaps the Mac Mini? I am just curious because it doesn't appear that the MBP 15 & 17" are effected. I do hope that this makes sense. I have been waiting to see the next versions of the Mac Book and the iMac. I would like to have a portable and I don't care or need a laptop that is a quarter of an inch in thickness or if it weighs a pound more than a Mac Book Air.

    Apr 27, 10:12 AM
    I too am hanging out for a new MBA model before I jump in, and a backlit keyboard is the top of my list of must-have features. We have two unibody 2008 MacBooks in the house, only one of which has a backlit keyboard and not being a touch typist I really miss it when I use the other MacBook by mistake.

    Anyway... has anyone else noticed that Apple will have a tricky design problem on their hands if they were to introduce a backlit keyboard into the new MBA design? Basically, they've got no room for the keyboard brightness keys!

    When they brought out the 2010 MBA, they ditched the circular power button and added in a new 'power' key, to the right of the eject key. However this means that all the function keys have had their functions 'shifted' to the left, which was possible because there's no keyboard brightness up or down buttons needed in the function keys.

    MacBook Pro

    Sep 9, 10:13 AM
    I'm just not sure why everyone is so impressed with these imacs.
    Faster processor, double the RAM, cheaper AND 21-37% better game performance:

    New 17" C2D is 37% faster in UT 2004 than old 17" CD.
    New 17" C2D is 21% faster in UT 2004 than old 20" CD.
    New 20" C2D is 37.5% faster in UT 2004 than old 20" CD.

    and I don't even play UT 2004 ;).

    Apple Shmapple
    Sep 12, 04:59 PM
    At these new lower price points that reads pretty UN-educated to me.

    Whoopidedoo, a whole $50 off. They HAD to do that because of the lack of actually updating anything worthy on the device. One could argue that it isn't enough of a price cut the way competitors music players are priced.

    Anyone with half a brain will avoid these 5th G Part 2 devices like the plague, unless they want to waste money that could be spent 4 months later on a widescreen model.

    Should we set up the thread now for the people that rush out and buy this version of the iPod then get burned just after Christmas when the real new iPod comes out? They'll need someplace to vent, and it's usually all over these threads. It would be nice to condense it.

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