السبت، 21 مايو 2011

Brazil Nuts Nickname

Brazil Nuts Nickname. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • HecubusPro
    Sep 17, 04:29 PM
    Are they any good? I've never seen a phone with a good camera, 10MP phone sounds like 10MP of grainy nasty pictures to me.

    I agree. There's no way I would ever want a 10mp camera. I think 5 or 6 tops for me, and that might be pushing it for a normal camera. I like to send a lot of the pictures I take through phone mail, and it just seems a 10mp photo would take a long time to send due the large size of the file. A 1.5mp camera on my cell phone works good for me right now.

    Brazil Nuts Nickname. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • iScott428
    Mar 29, 11:45 AM
    Next thing the IDC will say is that if GM and Chrysler went into partnership, they might produce one good car. The only problem is that even if they do make a good phone or even great one, who the hell is going to buy it? After countless years of a terrible OS called Windows, who really wants to carry around a phone the same name on it? Not me ever, I dont care how good the phone is I would get an Android phone first, and then go with out a cell phone or resort to sign language to avoid needing a windows phone.

    Brazil Nuts Nickname. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • mdntcallr
    Apr 25, 04:32 PM
    personally i dont like the idea of a smaller MBP without optical drive.

    to me that is more consumer.

    Brazil Nuts Nickname. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • complexcommunic
    Mar 23, 04:15 PM
    Censorship! Don't do it, Apple!

    Brazil Nuts Nickname. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • iMacZealot
    Sep 17, 07:33 PM
    You are wrong. CDMA is also in SK and Japan. Most 3G users in Japan are on CDMA2000 a varient of CDMA that is used in the U.S.

    I meant on a 2G level; I wanted to make things simple so that he/she could understand. And don't forget about the popular W-CDMA technologies, such as UMTS/HSPDA which is used by Cingular and soon T-Mobile in the US.

    And Japan's 2G PDC technology is by the way TDMA based and not CDMA! Although their 3G technologies I believe are CDMA based.

    Brazil Nuts Nickname. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • Yamcha
    Mar 30, 11:53 AM
    I'll say it again "App Store" is a generic term, I think everyone should be able to use it.. I hope Apple doesn't win this one.. If someone used "Mac App Store", completely understandable..

    Brazil Nuts Nickname. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • AidenShaw
    Sep 9, 10:01 AM
    Good - now we won't have to wade through any arguments with fanbois who claim that the iMac is the "most powerful desktop on the planet"....


    Brazil Nuts Nickname. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • Bernard SG
    Apr 28, 09:09 PM
    That can be viewed another way. Apple is too cheap to bother risking anything that is not a sure bet.

    MS willing to risk R&D and a lot of R&D on things that might be a dead end.
    MS R&D is more like a university Research compared to Apple R&D that is only about profit.
    Guess which one adds more better for the people. Correct answer is not Apple

    Man, if those success stories were sure bets, how come nobody went for it long before Apple?

    Brazil Nuts Nickname. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • zekegri
    Mar 23, 05:18 PM
    If I am sober enough to go through the process and find out where the checkpoints are then I should be able to use the software.

    Brazil Nuts Nickname. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • cadillaccactus
    Sep 5, 03:57 PM
    But as I said, for HOME viewing, is there a precedent for ads?

    certainly not if you own the content. cds don't have ads, but radio does.

    Brazil Nuts Nickname. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • CrackedButter
    Sep 1, 11:40 AM
    Its about time, I mentioned this when the G5 iMacs came out, its obvious that this is going to happen, its a natural development of the iMac line. The evidence was there when the Cinema Displays were announced, the monitor support could clearly take a few heavier weight.

    Its good news though, if only to save money. Also...

    You heard it here first, come on 30" iMac!

    Brazil Nuts Nickname. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • hehe299792458
    Apr 11, 07:51 AM
    I am confused. If your Mac is networked, why not just share your music folder on your network so any computer etc can play the music from the shared music folder on the mac?

    I think it's a matter of push streaming vs pull

    Brazil Nuts Nickname. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • technicolor
    Oct 12, 12:45 PM
    Aw come on, you do that every day! :p
    Hee hee! :D

    I am really not a huge Oprah fan, maybe when I am 40. ;)

    Brazil Nuts Nickname. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • Multimedia
    Sep 12, 04:46 PM
    The way I understood, it was capable of playin that resolution in mp4, but not when using AVC/H.264...Right. Mac res for H.264 WAS 320x240 way too small - only the iPod screen res. So H.264 was unpopular because of this limit. Now if the res limit works on teh existing base of 5G 1st gen Video iPods this is HUGE and changes the game completely. See above I am testing this theory now and will report on the result in about a half hour.

    Brazil Nuts Nickname. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • juicedropsdeuce
    Apr 25, 01:16 PM
    I didn't want to buy it because i had a feeling 2012 will be new design but i had to buy it because i needed a mac and couldn't wait another year!

    and its not like the 2011 MBP's are the same old thing just with thunderbolt! It had a faster processer (with **** GPU in the 13" lol)

    Umm, you do realize the processor can be 10000000x faster, the system is still completely hammed by the 5600rpm hard drive they put in there. Most tasks are faster on an Air then a 17" Pro. And if you're doing heavy lifting get a Mac Pro. People who bought the new processors don't enjoy the benefits 90% of the time.

    You must be a spec sheet reader, not someone who intelligently analyzes what they buy.

    Brazil Nuts Nickname. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • ThunderSkunk
    Apr 4, 12:01 PM
    How did I just know, it had to be here.

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  • ethana
    May 3, 12:25 PM
    I just called three local Apple Stores in the Seattle area and not a single one has the new iMacs in stock. Is this happening to everyone else? I really wanted to pick mine up today!

    Brazil Nuts Nickname. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • cere
    Apr 14, 03:30 PM
    I really hope Intel delays USB 3. I have a mid 2007 MBP, even though I use FW800, I have resorted to using my ExpressCard slot with an eSata adapter which is even faster than FW800. If anything, the difference will be made with the companies who make the external HDD to implement thunderbolt technology into their products. I just hate usb in general, I only use it for flash drives and my mouse.

    Agreed. Concurrent support will favour USB3 due to familiarity. Device vendors will be the key here.

    Brazil Nuts Nickname. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • gnasher729
    Jul 19, 03:08 AM
    Why wouldn't they just use Conroe? It's not like the chips are expensive, they have the same thermal output and a bigger L2 cache. I'm expecting a 2.4Ghz 17' and a 2.66Ghz 20'. Which would work out cheaper than using 2.16Ghz and 2.33Ghz Meroms.

    The only problem with Conroe vs. Merom in an iMac is the heat production. I am sure it is possible to keep an iMac with a Conroe cool enough. What I think is very hard to achieve is to keep it cool and quiet at the same time. I have never, ever _heard_ the iMac in my office, and that is really nice.

    Of course it would be possible to put something into the Energy Saver Preferences like a "Keep Quiet" option. If selected, processing power could be cut down when the iMac gets too hot to be cooled down without making much noise. You would still have the potential to get full performance if you choose so.

    Sep 5, 11:48 PM
    i know, but in that case apple has to port front row to windows. Or they have to implement front row into itunes or something like that, so that it will work exactly the same way on windows as on mac. as long as they have itunes installed. but that way, all media files (movie store movies, avi, divx, video_ts folders and even photo's) should be stored inside itunes.

    Apple will probably just update ITMS to be a better venue for movies. M$ probably doesn't want a new "media center" to conflict with theirs.

    Sep 5, 05:45 PM
    I think we'll see a transition from iTunes to iMedia.

    The iMedia Store (TV Shows, Music, Audiobooks, Movies). The iMedia Player (the "true" video ipod). airMedia (wireless video/audio streaming device).

    While what you suggest makes some sense ... Apple has invested way too much in building the "iTunes" brand to simply drop it now. For the same reason I doubt we'll see the iMac changing to "mac" or iPod changing to "Pod" ... they're here to stay for now.

    An alternative is the make Quicktime a full-fledged media player and browser to support the TV shows, movies and movie store to keep it separate from iTunes.

    Apr 19, 02:29 PM
    Google probably have a kickass patent portfolio so they'll just countersue.

    Google mostly makes Software. Apple has WAY more device and design patents.

    Aug 28, 12:08 PM
    not that it really matters. but they stole apples thunder.

    and since steve compared osx to windows and the mac pro to dell and made lot's of fun about both they'd better stay on top of the game.

    Apr 3, 08:10 AM
    http://www.macbytes.com/images/bytessig.gif (http://www.macbytes.com)

    Category: Apple Software
    Link: Apple Faces Increasing Cyber Threats, McAfee Says (http://www.macbytes.com/link.php?sid=20101230092111)
    Description:: McAfee Inc. expects Apple��s iPhone, geolocation services such as Foursquare, and mobile devices to be the target of malware attacks in 2011. The computer security company also predicts attackers targeting shortened URL services and internet TV platforms as well as a rise in politically motivated hacktivisim, as more groups are expected to repeat the WikiLeaks example.

    ��We��ve seen significant advancements in device and social network adoption, placing a bulls-eye on the platforms and services users are embracing the most. These platforms and services have become very popular in a short amount of time, and we��re already seeing a significant increase in vulnerabilities, attacks and data loss,�� said Vincent Weafer, senior vice president of McAfee Labs.

    McAfee Labs Threat Predictions for 2011:

    * Apple: No longer flying under the radar

    McAfee said the popularity of iPads and iPhones, combined with the lack of user understanding of proper security for these devices, will increase the risk for data and identity exposure, and will make Apple botnets and Trojans a common occurrence.

    Posted on MacBytes.com (http://www.macbytes.com)
    Approved by Mudbug

    Just another ploy to scare people into buying there over priced software.

    I'm sure Apple takes security very very seriously. Is it me or is McAffee screaming wolf?

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