السبت، 21 مايو 2011

Apple Ipod Classic 5th Generation

Apple Ipod Classic 5th Generation. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • macboy62
    Sep 13, 11:04 PM
    SoftBank are offering a new iPod nano free with the new Sharp 705SH phone...


    Apple Ipod Classic 5th Generation. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • Ommid
    Apr 25, 12:50 PM
    Should be interesting!!

    Apple Ipod Classic 5th Generation. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • Ed A.
    Apr 30, 05:01 PM
    yes, new imac's will come, but sadly the will probably come without:

    1- Matte screen option
    2- USB 3
    3- Blu-Ray

    apple will just give consumers part of the options they want.

    If they have a matte screen option for the new iMacs, I'll buy one. If not, then I'll hold out for some future update.

    Apple Ipod Classic 5th Generation. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • JAT
    Mar 30, 12:35 PM
    I thought the poster I was referencing referring to the word "App"... apparently he wasn't. Yes, I know Apple are trading marking "App store".

    My point is that any post referencing "app" and its usage is pointless to this topic, because that is not the term in question with this legal battle. If M$ and their linguist work on "app", they should lose.

    Frankly, I don't care who wins this battle. I guess I lean towards Apple, but that's mostly just bias against M$, to a lesser extent the fact that Apple was the first to use this particular term, AFAIK.

    I always call them all "store", honestly. My mom has a Storm, dad has a Droid, several close people including me have iDevices, friend has some ancient Sprint device (Win, maybe). So I say, "go to the/your store [meaning appstore in the phone] and look for xxx."

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  • Warbrain
    Sep 26, 08:50 AM
    Yeah, but not if it's locked. I had to call up my provider and beg for my unlock code so that I could use *my* phone in Asia, and then they said yes, and never sent it to me. Call them back, and...well..rinse, repeat.

    What about people like me who travel a lot and want to pop in SIM cards in other places? I'm sick and tired of the U.S. market and all of its stupid contract / vendor lock-in ********.

    Pity to see Apple on that bandwagon; I hope they just sell the phone in the Apple Store unlocked, and let us choose the carrier we want.

    But then they need to build two different phones based on two different sets of components and it would end up being too expensive in the end. Yes, the provider of the service will give you the unlock code for when you want to travel, but Apple and any other company that makes a cell phone will never be able to sell unlocked phones in this country and allow you to choose which provider you want. Nokia is trying it now at their two stores in Chicago and New York, but I can tell you that it's not going to work.

    Apple Ipod Classic 5th Generation. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • !� V �!
    Apr 30, 06:36 PM
    screen prices are cheap and creative types would eat them up

    Not with that mirror. Professionals have been alienated by :apple: to go elsewhere *cough*Dell*cough* for options.

    Sure colours are bright and all with a glossy screen, however when reading text all day long, people eventually get a migraine coming along. I am not along with many other that will stay away from :apple: displays. Love my matte screen, can read on this thing for hours on end. :D

    Apple Ipod Classic 5th Generation. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • DJMastaWes
    Jul 20, 01:52 PM
    If they are holding back untill later this year after WWDC and such, taht leaves room for a new update. MacBook Pro or iMac maybe?

    Apple Ipod Classic 5th Generation. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • BornAgainMac
    Aug 23, 05:53 PM
    May be Apple also figured if they settle now, may be Creative could use this precedence to sue Microsoft and other competitors over their UI and make them pay for licenses too.

    That would put a nice hit on the smaller competitors. Nice move, Apple!

    Apple Ipod Classic 5th Generation. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • ctdonath
    Apr 30, 03:50 PM
    I could care less at the moment about external storage.

    um, ok. Some of us do care, when there is no way an iMac will hold enough internal storage.

    And it's "couldn't". Pet peeve.

    Apple Ipod Classic 5th Generation. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • ethana
    May 3, 12:38 PM
    I stopped by my local Apple store and had a similar experience. Actually, it was a bit worse... they still had the old iMacs out and when I asked about the new ones, I was told "What new iMacs?"

    LOL. That's kind of unusual for Apple.

    Apple Ipod Classic 5th Generation. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • AtHomeBoy_2000
    Apr 20, 10:08 AM
    This is great for my alcoholic blackouts. Fire up the program and find out where I've been. Although on my last trip to San Diego it put me across the border and into a Tijuana cat house.

    If the guys from The Hangover had iPhones, their backtracking of the previous days events would be much easier.

    Apple Ipod Classic 5th Generation. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • cmcconkey
    Sep 26, 02:35 PM
    You sound like a pain in the ass to have as a customer.

    No actually I just want my bills to be correct. If that makes me a pain in the ass, then so be it. If someone that I am paying to provide me a service keeps screwing up my bills, and then say that they will have it fixed on the next billing cycle and then it doens't show up until a quarter of a year later. I guess that is too much to expect out of a company. I also deal with customers on a daily basis, so I know what is expected from a service provider.


    Apple Ipod Classic 5th Generation. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • morespce54
    Aug 24, 11:05 AM
    The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

    Or now, in that peculliar case, we could say: The Friend of my Friend is my enemy ;)
    (talking about Apple and Creative VS Microsoft VS SanDisk etc.)

    Apple Ipod Classic 5th Generation. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • israelagm
    Mar 30, 01:24 PM
    XP shows them with the same names, but it's irrelevant to the discussion at hand. There is no "App Store" in the screenshot.

    Shows what with the same names?

    And I think it is relevant to the entire discussion. IF they have never used 'applications' in a 'general' or specific way on any type of their OSs then why pick a fight over Apple's use of AppStore, who have been using the term 'Applications' in their OSs and in their ecosystem and brand recognition lingo.

    And your right, you don't see an 'App Store' in this screenshot or on any Windows OS or mobile OS.

    EDIT: NVM! as noted by logandzwon "Anything ending in .exe will have the same description." Which makes my argument weak and mute.

    Apple Ipod Classic 5th Generation. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • mobilehavoc
    Mar 29, 11:42 AM
    What? I don't get it.

    He means CUT and paste hence the caps. Not copy. i.e. The text you select is both deleted and copied to the clipboard. I use it a lot myself in Windows and do miss it in OSX. Also allows you to easily move files around by CUT and pasting them :D

    Apple Ipod Classic 5th Generation. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • jamesryanbell
    Apr 22, 11:22 AM
    Not trying to force this mentality on anyone, but for ME: No Ivy Bridge, no care.

    I'm sure it'll be a great machine though just like the current one. It's just not enough difference to make me upgrade. (Just like iPad 1 to iPad 2)

    Apple Ipod Classic 5th Generation. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • balamw
    Aug 23, 11:05 PM
    1. Apple infringed on the patent
    2. Apple paid license for use of the patent
    3. Go watch TV.. show over folks.
    You forgot:

    0. Once issued, even the most bogus patent has the presumption of validity.

    I look forward to the recent IBM proposals to create a Wiki for reviewing patents before they issue. http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2006/08/21/8383639/index.htm


    Apple Ipod Classic 5th Generation. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • swingerofbirch
    Sep 1, 01:17 AM
    Well for the sake of pontificating.....

    Taking pictures and movies wtih cell phones is very big right now.

    But as Steve Jobs would say "it's not a great experience."

    He'll show a really crappy movie made on a cell phone.

    He'll talk about how the world is evolving, more bandwidth has led to sites like Youtube.

    Consumers are getting way more intelligent with movies, and we pioneered desktop movies with iMovie and then added HD functionality with iMovie HD.

    But we want to take this one step further.

    We want to go from this (shows youtube home movie) to a really great cinematic experience.

    Today Apple introduces the world's least expensive High Definition video camera. There are no tapes. It's as easy as iPod.

    You just shoot in 1080p, hook it up to your supercharged Intel Mac, edit in iMovie HD, and BOOM.

    Look at this. It's gorgeous. Isn't this amazing?

    So we're going from this (youtube video) to this. BOOM. Wow.


    And we're introducing the all new QuickTake (or iCam whatever) for just $599.

    I dunno!

    Just an idea of why Apple would buy Canon (which I don't think they will). lol....

    Apple Ipod Classic 5th Generation. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • kurosov
    Mar 29, 11:41 AM
    So basically their prediction is that all those with a current nokia phone, even non smartphones will simply switch over to the wp7 nokia phones by 2015?

    not likely.

    Sep 9, 02:02 AM
    now is the Xeon processor faster than the core 2 duo?

    The Xeon processor used in the Mac Pro is the name for the Core 2 Duo workstation processor. It was originally codenamed "Woodcrest" and is the high-end version of the three Core 2 Duo processors.

    Merom = Core 2 Duo
    Conroe = Core 2 Duo
    Woodcrest = Xeon

    May 3, 05:21 PM
    ...and we like to hook up our consoles to our monitors... I really hope this deal about the failed Target Mode is some kind of misunderstanding.

    Yes, this is a stupid limitation Apple has put into place. I hope with adaptors, you'll be able to hook up mini-displayports, HDMI, DVI, and what not.

    But Apple has also been weird about its target display mode...putting it only on the 24'' and 27'' model. Its a neat feature, but I doubt I'd grab a 27'' just for that.

    It might convince a few people to to for the 27'', but if the 21.5'' had it, that might convince some Mac Mini owners to go for it.

    Manic Mouse
    Sep 11, 07:42 AM
    Having read the initial impressions of C2Q it sounds mightily impressive...

    ender land
    Apr 10, 11:01 AM
    Sounds like a pretty convincing reason to move to Sweden if you are an American.

    Mar 30, 12:25 PM
    They're really not going to let this go are they...

    Companies REALLY want to use "App Store" instead of coming up with their own.

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