السبت، 21 مايو 2011

Funny Images Of Monkeys

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  • Avalontor
    Apr 28, 07:30 PM
    Really? I mean really? Zune? You forgot to write down Vista too kid. LOL!

    Vista still has a larger market share then OSX.

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  • gnasher729
    Jul 14, 09:33 AM
    Why does the high-end Conroe cost more than the high-end Woodcrest?

    Because Intel is trying to maximise their profit.

    Conroes will be in relatively affordable computers, and there will be some people who spend hundreds of dollars extra for the fastest graphics card possible, and hundreds for the fastest processor possible. It will be sold to people who are willing to pay over the top for highest performance.

    Woodcrest will be sold in expensive servers to businesses, who will _not_ pay for bragging rights, but only as much as the extra performance is worth.

    Two relatively slow Woodcrests could be used to build a system that is faster and possibly cheaper than the Conroe Extreme Edition.

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  • h1r0ll3r
    Apr 25, 01:06 PM
    Guessing it'll just be a lot thinner. Maybe SSD's or Flash storage instead of HD's. Perhaps we can kiss the Superdrive goodbye? Either way, curious to see what they have in store :) Bringing back the blackbook would be pretty cool too.

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  • pingin
    Sep 12, 05:47 PM
    Kind of a huge gap, don'cha think? For an extra $100 I can nearly TRIPLE the capacity? Why would I even consider a 30 GB model?

    Actually $100 is a lot of money. Especially if you don't need the capacity.

    The main thing for me though is size. The difference in width is only a few tenths of an inch but the 30G is definitely slim and it feels pretty light in the hand. I'm not sure that's really the case with the 60G/80G. The iPod is primarily a portable device afterall.

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  • psimac
    Mar 23, 07:13 PM
    This is bogus. Next thing you know, our Gov'mint will start asking companies to stop selling radar detectors, because people will speed and kill others. Drunks go around these stops anyway--they're not effective. All they do is cause good citizens to be held up. How about the day I rolled through one of these and ended up paying a huge late fee to kid's daycare? The run them at 9PM, when no one is drunk! I'm going to download these apps just out of convenience so I don't have to be slowed down and I should be able to have this information available to me.

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  • ~Shard~
    Sep 10, 02:05 PM
    I'm right with you when you say "that some of us want the power of a desktop but dont have the budget for the xeon range." Also I dont like all in one solutions. However, the 24" might be apple's way of saying that's close enough.

    I agree with you (and I realize I'm preaching to the choir here) but I would argue that in some ways, a 24" AIO is even worse than a 17"/20" AIO, due to the sizable (no pun intended) investment in the display. If your 17" iMac bites the big one, but the display is still fine, well, okay, you have to throw away a perfectly good 17" display. But they're fairly cheap these days, so whatever. However, what if something goes a year or so from now on your 24" iMac? For me at least, throwing away a perfectly good, high quality 24" display would really suck. :cool:

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  • OrangeSVTguy
    Mar 23, 06:35 PM
    Is this more about removing drunk drivers from the road-which it won't because of the tax revenue from beer sales, or is this about getting more money from people paying fines, from DUIs, speeding etc. Yes it's always about about money.

    Seriously if you want to remove drunk drivers, prohibition(which I seriously doubt).

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  • Morod
    Mar 23, 05:15 PM
    The police should not be able to detain you without probable cause. PERIOD. If you are doing nothing wrong the cops should not stop you, EVER.
    This. Otherwise we live in the old USSR, where you are guilty until proven innocent.

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  • iJaz
    Sep 14, 03:58 AM
    I want one :cool:

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  • ChazUK
    Apr 19, 11:36 AM
    This doesn't look like an iPhone 3GS? :confused:


    I say again Laguna, are you really liable to get these two pieces of hardware (manufacturing branding and all) confused?

    I simply can't see it, especially with the huge size discrepancy.

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  • localoid
    Apr 22, 05:30 AM
    A lot of people have more than 5GB in their music collection, so for these people the Amazon service doesn't work.

    You need/want more space, you can pay for it. Buy one album now and they'll give you 20 gigs for a year, for free. 20 gigs for your MP3s otherwise is only $20 per year.

    I already have 1000 gigs of storage online at my disposal (two commercial servers). But personally, since I don't have a dog in the Apple vs. Amazon race, I'll take 5 gigs online for free (where ever) without complaint. If Apple offers 5 gigs free, I'd probably go for it too. What the heck -- it's not coming out of my pocket. Besides, competition is a good thing. :)

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  • simon.hibbs
    Sep 1, 07:06 AM
    Core 2 Duo will be the star.
    End of Core Solo minis.

    With you so far, but I don't think Core 2 Duo is realy all that much of a big deal for Apple in the grand scheme of things. It's a small speed bump, with 64 bit as a bonus extra.

    All new redesigned MacBook Pro.
    All new iMac design with Conroe inside.
    iTunes Media Store Movie Downloads.

    I don't believe any of this. The intel MacBook Pros just came out, and the main advantage of the 2 Duo is it's socet compatible with it's predecessor. Why screw aroud with a proven design, when there's absolutely no need. You do that sort of thing when the chipset and whatnot changes and you have to redesign the internals anyway.

    The same goes for the iMac, it's a great design. They had a chance to rev the designs when they moved to intel and chose not to. They're not going to rework the internals now just for the sake of it. The next opportunity for that is with the next major rework of the mainboard and peripheral connections, whenever that will be.

    As for movie download, it's possible but I think it would be a premature move. Further expansion of their TV show range is much more likely as it fits the casual listening/watching pattern of iPod owners.

    Finaly, Merom whatnot are being very much overhyped. The main tech advancements for most users came with Core Duo. iMac and mac Mini prices dropped in the UK in the summer so when Core 2 Duo gets announced you can bet they'll be back up at the release price of the respective hardware platform (iMac, Mini, PBP, etc). Thus you will get more power, but you'll pay for it so bang for buck wise I realy don't think it will make a massive difference.

    Simon Hibbs

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  • Number 41
    Mar 23, 05:06 PM
    Stupidity on MacRumors and in the federal government, as usual.

    The only reason OVI / DUI / DWI checkpoints are legal under the US Constitution and your local state Constitution is because the locations are made public in advance. Your local newspaper (or some other paper of general circulation) will publish the locations a day or so in advance of the police operating the checkpoint. This is what allows the police to pull your car over and detain you despite lacking any probable cause to believe you are drunk. Without that notice (where you are considered to have consented to the stop by driving through the checkpoint), any stopping of your vehicle without probable cause is unlawful and renders any evidence located (such as your breath test or SFSTs) inadmissible in court.

    Removing this app is tantamount to the federal government telling private citizens they don't have a right to know where checkpoints are located -- and that knowledge is the only reason checkpoints are legal.

    The Senators are stepping in it on this one, and probably not a one of them has anyone on their staff who has ever spent time in a municipal court dealing with a drunk driving case.

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  • Stridder44
    Mar 23, 07:19 PM
    Yes, drunk driving is bad. But so are other forms of distracted/dangerous driving such as talking on a cell phone, eating, texting, speeding. Shouldn't they rot in a cell too, since they are posing a dangerous risk on our roads as well?

    You're telling me drunk driving is on the same level as eating or talking on a cell phone? Yes, they're stupid things that shouldn't be done and people should be punished for, but in no way are they the same.

    Why single out one type of bad, high-risk driver?

    Go read the forum title again.

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  • Bernard SG
    Apr 29, 02:11 AM
    Apple has done extremely well with mobile devices, but I don't know what Microsoft has to do with that. As far as I know, Windows still has about 90% of the market, and Apple still has a very small share. It looks to me like Apple isn't a huge player in the pc market, but they are the dominant one in the mobile market. Let's not forget that 50% of that $5.99 billion profit came from the iPhone and iPad.

    - Windows Mobile was among the first platforms for smartphones and failed miserably.
    - Global personal computer sales are slumping (-3% in Q1 2011) while Macs achieve a growth of 26%. There's clearly a loss of traction for Windows going on, despite all the praises for Windows 7.

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  • MattInOz
    Mar 22, 08:14 PM
    Why? Thunderbolt is essentially an external PCI-E port.

    And a 4 Link one at that compared to the Expresscard slot which is only 1 link PCIe or a USB2 port.

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  • DriveByPoster
    Apr 22, 07:20 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    My prediction: Apple will come out with a service that streams music from ITunes based on your music library using Genius playlists (music genome project) a la Pandora. It will be available for the MobileMe plus subscribers.

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  • bdj21ya
    Sep 14, 08:55 AM
    Surely they wouldn't have a whole invite just for an MBP update either? Although this board seems obsessed with Merom MBP's, replacing a chip in a laptop really isn't that exciting.

    I'm hoping for a completely new product range of some sort.

    Ditto on the chip thing. The chip does NOT make THAT BIG a difference! Spend your energy on working a few extra hours so you can pay for a RAM upgrade or a 7200 RPM hard drive. Those two upgrades will make more of a performance difference, and my guess is that overall battery life will not be all that different, but we'll see when the machines come out.

    To be honest, I think you need to look at the nature of the invite (e.g. how many people it was sent to, how large is the event venue). I could easily see this event being for just an Aperture update. I also don't see any reason to wait for an event to make a minor processor upgrade to the pro laptops. They could just as likely do it today.

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  • LarryC
    Apr 22, 05:51 PM
    Hey, they could build a little hub with a cord that plugs into the TB port and provide a few USB 1,2,3 ports, maybe a firewire port, plus a glowing Apple logo on top and call it an iHub.

    Apple drives me crazy with their practice of naming everything with a "i" in front of it. I wonder if when Steve Jobs goes to the bathroom if he has an iBM :D

    Sep 19, 03:44 PM
    You do know that all this talk of Wal-Mart only applies to the US? They mean nothing out in the rest of the world, which is where Apple is taking this service.

    Wal-Mart of big, but they are not that big.

    Apple can still make a lot of money with Disney for the moment, they have the hearts of minds of children everywhere and parents are inclined sometimes to do things for their children, including downloading movies.

    Then there is art house movies and independent movie companies which probably never see the light of day in a Wal-Mart store. There is to much going on that could be stopped by Wal-Mart.

    Sucks to be them but they are not exactly the nicest company around.

    Mar 29, 12:25 PM
    Over FOUR YEARS, which is a major amount of time in this market, I think iOS, Andriod and Windows phones with all be pretty much the same. I think there's going to be a point where that not more more to do with hardware in terms of innovative features. The OS's themselves are really just shells for running apps anyway, and they will all do this fairly effectively in similar ways, a lot like OSX and Win7 are two good OS's. The key will be the app market, which Apple currently holds a huge lead, but in 4 years it would seem that Android and Windows will catch up in terms of IMPORTANT apps to run, so that will be levelized as well.

    The iPhone will always have the crazy fanboys to their advantage but Android and Windows phones have the flexibility factor of an open platform where a number of manufacturers can make phones at different price points in different markets.

    So in 4 years, I think all will have similar market shares, with iOS being at the bottom of the three just in terms of number of phones because of the closed platform syndrome, but not by much. However, the iPhone will be the most profitable of the three for the OS manufacturers since Apple also maks the hardware.

    So let's call it a tie - everybody wins, including the consumer. Remember fanboys - competition and choice is a GOOD thing!


    Sep 10, 12:02 PM
    If you need it get it now. If you can wait 6 months then wait. What is out is better than what you have, just be ready than in 6 months there will be something better. This is always the case even if you stay in the Win Camp.

    Yep, if you want an iMac, then buy it NOW. The laptops will soon see upgrades, but the rest of the product line is up-to-date.

    And... unless you are doing hard-core gaming or intensive graphics or scientific work, a CPU upgrade is not likely to be noticed in your real-world computing.

    Sep 9, 06:47 AM
    So, the video streaming to TV device... how likely do you all think it is that they'll let you stream your own video through it? If I could stream my totally legally sourced DivX movies (ahem) through it that would be awesome beyond words!

    Apr 19, 10:45 AM
    And then Apple would ruin Samsung, cratering them with winning lawsuits. Also, Samsung would lose their reputation in the supply chain as well as their credibility, and it would likely damage the Korean economy as a whole, and South Korea politically as well. You're talking about one company causing problems for tens of millions of consumers, and a mountain of negative news. If Samsung wanted to be bankrupted within a decade, this would be a way, for sure.

    That would be true if and only IF Samsung were an electronics company only. Again, they own everything in South Korea from grocery stores to construction companies, to apartments, to cars, to electronics. The last two are their newest branches. Samsung are doing well in every sector, but you have to remember that firstly, they are a grocery company, then they are everything else.

    Samsung's total assets dwarf Apple many times over. There is no fear of them falling down (unfortunately).

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