السبت، 21 مايو 2011

Materials And Methods

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  • StoneyG
    Apr 4, 12:54 PM
    How sad,
    I mean a person lost his life because of his actions, and the guard now has to live with the fact that he took a life. All for what - some iToys? Doesn't seem worth it. :(

    Indeed! I'm amazed and utterly disappointed that people have vote "positive" on this one. First, I question the relevance of posting an attempted robbery, and resulting death, that occurred in a mall, after hours. Is it really Mac news and information? Granted, it took place at an Apple store, but still. But how people on here could not think it's a bad thing, what just happened occured, is beyond me. One might argue that it was better one of the douchey thiefs die than somebody's loved one during store hours (or something along those lines), but that's ALWAYS the case/what we hope for. Either way, somebody died needlessly, and this security guard is going to face some pretty heavy psychological ramifications. NOT good things. Wow.

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  • djrobsd
    Apr 11, 03:29 PM
    I'm very excited to see this come to XBMC. Cannot wait!

    I'm confused... What will this give us in XBMC that we don't already have? Since I'm assuming you're running XBMC on Apple TV2, Airplay already works just fine...

    From my iTunes library on my PC I can stream to my Apple TV2 in the bedroom, or to my Airport Express in the living room. From my iPhone, I can stream almost any app (Napster, Pandora, Netflix, etc) to either my AppleTV2 or the living room Airport express (audio only).

    So, I'm confused what additional capability this is going to give those of us who have already invested in an Apple ecosystem.

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  • toddybody
    May 3, 11:04 AM
    Very, Very cool move to allow a swap for the track pad instead of the magic mouse. +1 Apple.

    The magic mouse is a total POS IMHO.

    Razer Mouse + iMac FTW

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  • stol
    Apr 11, 09:36 AM
    Ever heard of Home Sharing?

    Well, thank you, I've heard of Home Sharing. I use it myself on my desktop and laptop. I was referring to an one-click streaming solution like Airtunes. More like "click there to stream music to my mac which is connected to my sound system" than "go to preferences, enable sharing; now wait while I browse your shared library".

    So, Airport Expresses are luxury but other WiFi routers onto which an Airplay hack could be installed are not luxury?
    You can rightfully slam Apple for not including Airplay into the Time Capsule and Airport Extreme but that is about it.

    I think you got it completely wrong here. How is my WiFi router which was given to me for free by my internet provider a luxury? Who talked about hacking my router? How could possibly a common router provide me with audio output?

    And of course Apple is getting greedy by not adding Airtunes to other wireless solutions they sell. One more reason to skip them altogether and go for a hack or other software solution. Once again, don't get me wrong, I love Apple and their products, I but there are some use cases where they just don't care or have completely other interests.

    To stream between computers, you only need iTunes and Home Sharing, which is, btw, free. And you now welcome/wish for a third-party hack to stream music and then in the same breath say that installing even bonafide software like the free Airfoil Speakers or iTunes is out of the question. What is it, you could convince your friends to install a third-party hack on their computers but not iTunes or Airfoil?

    Once again, my words are misinterpreted or you just don't understand.
    I just wish to stream to my mac which is connected to my sound system from other Airtunes capable devices. That involves a hack only on my part and nothing at all to be done on other computers or iOS devices. Call me cheap, but that would be convenient to me and my friends.
    And as I said before, I can see myself buying an Airport Express (although I would prefer the Airport Extreme, if it had an audio output) for a computer-less streaming setup, but for my current setup - which I think is the most common one - and budget I will opt for a tricky hack.

    To sum up, all I want is a Banana-TV equivalent but just for audio. It looks like it's just a matter of time.

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  • Deflorator
    Apr 30, 03:21 PM
    From iMacs there is only one (half) step to Cinema Display refresh, boy I would appreciate that... 24-isch inch with antiglare...

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  • trekkie604
    Apr 4, 12:12 PM
    Breaking a glass window means you can shoot someone in the head? Wow... He may be a criminal but that doesn't mean the security guard should've shot him.

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  • eddieairplanes
    Mar 22, 04:04 PM
    So stoked! Aside from the iPad 2, this is what I've been saving up for for the past year. My 24'' from 2007 is still running strong but I'm hoping to have something that will for sure run Diablo III smoothly when it eventually drops.

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  • George Knighton
    Mar 11, 06:47 AM
    Wrong. It takes more than a swipe. It requires user interaction.
    Yes, it did, but let's be clear: It was the team's choice to need the degree of user interaction that was required. This is why it was patched so quickly...it was a big security hole and when word got out how it could be done, Apple had to move quickly because almost anybody could do it.

    Is there nothing AV trolls won't stoop to in their vain efforts to sell their useless software?
    Probably not.

    But it might backfire on them. I can just imagine that future Apple operating systems might very well include native protection that wold continue to thwart people wanting to sell anti-malware for Apple OS.

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  • Spanky Deluxe
    Apr 25, 12:59 PM
    Bye bye built in Superdrive. I'll look back fondly at the five times I used you in the past three years.

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  • gleepskip
    Apr 20, 10:03 AM
    If this is your biggest worry on people being able to track you...hmph.

    Tinfoil hats are going to be all the rage here soon.

    I didn't mention what my biggest worry is.

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  • cere
    Apr 14, 01:09 PM
    Can you provide any indications that Intel is dropping support for Thunderbolt? Any reason to believe that PC makers won't provide USB ports like they do now but also DisplayPorts like they do now, only in both cases the ports are upgraded to support USB 3 and thunderbolt?

    I think it is too early to really get a read one way or the other. I am hopeful that TB will take off. But this time I think it will be more the drive and peripherals vendors that will make or break it. If they can do a USB3 drive and it will work with any system that has USB3 and/or TB, why would the also do a TB version? I am not saying they won't, but there is certainly an incentive to drop the extra sku and investment that a TB version would require.

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  • HecubusPro
    Aug 28, 03:01 PM
    Also Im not sure if this has been mentioned, but the "free iPod with a Mac" offer ends sept. 16 according to the Apple Store....not sure if there's any correlation going here...

    This has been said many times by many people including myself who are all hoping to cash in on the free ipod offer by the 16th. Maybe if we all collectively think happy thoughts it will happen. Here's to hope! :D

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  • PghLondon
    Apr 30, 01:48 PM
    Okay, so now all I have to do is hope for SATA 3 SSD connections and the prices to drop to i5 @ $1699 and i7 @ $1999. Some REAL good GPUs and more standard ram. :cool:

    I hate to say it but I'll keep holding off if the interface connections don't start jumping up in spec. It's retarded to see Thunderbolt and no SATA 3 or USB 3. It will a (re)selling point later on when you're looking to sell it off for the next new one.

    USB3 is dead tech. You'll never see it on a Mac. Would be VERY surprised to see eSATA, as well.

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Thunderbolt drives will be out this summer.

    Yup. Not sure why people are surprised that the machine with Thunderbolt came out before the drives/peripherals. Do you really think it would happen the other way around?

    "Here's a computer with a port that you can't use yet, but will be able to soon as peripherals are built. You can still use the rest of the computer, though"
    "Here's a peripheral with a port that isn't supported by any computers yet. There should be something out soon, though"

    Not really a tough decision, eh?

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  • Chimera
    Sep 5, 01:46 PM
    My nano is already on eBay awaiting a nice metal clad 8GB version, I hope they do an andonised black one though to match my other gadgets.

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  • Ugg
    Apr 10, 10:41 AM
    LA Times (http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-ikea-union-20110410,0,4172495,full.story)

    Laborers in Swedwood plants in Sweden produce bookcases and tables similar to those manufactured in Danville. The big difference is that the Europeans enjoy a minimum wage of about $19 an hour and a government-mandated five weeks of paid vacation. Full-time employees in Danville start at $8 an hour with 12 vacation days � eight of them on dates determined by the company.

    "It's ironic that Ikea looks on the U.S. and Danville the way that most people in the U.S. look at Mexico," Street said.

    Well, the right has gotten what it wants. Low wages, no benefits, non-union jobs.

    What next? Reintroduction of slavery?

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  • Eye4Desyn
    Apr 30, 04:12 PM
    I couldn't possibly be happier to hear this news. Bring on May 3rd. I've got cash in hand.

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  • OdduWon
    Sep 26, 11:44 AM
    I would just like to say that i had said this exact same thing a couple weeks ago-apple would probably initally only sign on with one carrier and everyone else would be left out in the cold-so to al those who said it wouldn't happen it appears that it will be happening
    well, also it makes perfect sense since cingular is the only provider that i know of that has itunes capable phones. really no suprise here. this is why when my dog ate my ericson t637 i just got a $50 referb and held off on buying a new phone. telepod is going to be great!

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  • MaxBurn
    Dec 31, 08:52 AM
    Not really necessary, yet. Forums here will inform most of us when something really nasty gets out there if ever, listen to the users not a campain.

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  • powers74
    Mar 30, 12:39 PM
    App market?

    Program Store?

    Program Market?

    App Hub?

    App Universe?

    App Base?

    Tool Shed?



    Sep 17, 06:02 AM
    It may be difficult but one would hope Apple will bring the iPhone (or whatever it ends up being called) to Japan and other countries if it does in fact launch such a phone initially in the US.

    Let's wait and see...

    JZ Wire
    Sep 10, 02:13 AM
    I was credit card in hand when these were released, but I stopped myself. I'd like to wait a bit and see the 64 bit boost (if there is any), and Leopard in general.

    I feel like these are speed demons, but I can't take advantage of a lot of it due to my heavy use of CS2 and the in-between feeling of Apple's apps/OS right now.

    The second Leopard is out, I'm on the 24" iMac train.

    Yea, I know what you mean. Apple needs to get on the ball with that already. They have been shipping dual core machines for a while yet OS X cant truly take advantage of it. Since intel will be using more cores as time goes by it only makes sense for OS X and it's apps to be able to harness the full power of all the cores/processors. I really really hope thats what they have planned for Leopard. Maybe its one of the " Super Secret Features" ??? :rolleyes:

    Anonymous Freak
    May 3, 04:07 PM
    Because the iMac Display mode apparently is Thunderbolt-dependent, not backward compatible with DisplayPort-only systems, I wonder if this means you will be able to daisy-chain iMacs? For example, have one iMac in the center as the master; two iMacs (one on either side) each connected via Thunderbolt to the center, acting as two displays. Then, could you slave two more Cinema Displays (or any DisplayPort monitor, even more iMacs!) from those two 'outer' iMacs for a total of five displays? Apple said in the first generation of ThunderBolt systems that they could support two displays per Thunderbolt port with daisy-chaining, and AMD's chips can support up to 6 displays.

    Sep 14, 12:57 PM
    new here to the forums.

    i've been patiently waiting for the MBP to be updated before i ordered but wanted to jump on the iPod deal as well which ends the 16th

    if one was to place an order and then these are announced the following week, would Apple upgrade you to the comparable machine?
    If the new one is announced before your order ships, it will be automatically upgraded. Otherwise, you should return the unopened product within 2 weeks of purchase for a free upgrade.

    Apr 20, 10:03 AM
    Shame that everyone is going to jump to conclusions rather than work out why this is stored.

    And really, would you rather have the information stored on the device or logged by Google?

    I'd rather have none at all. This is a file being stored. It's big bad news.

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