Apr 25, 01:43 PM
Guys they've already told us what the next update will be. Remember the MBA commercial, "the future of MacBook" or whatever the actual words were.. Which means no optical, a ssd, and a core2duo with 320m..
Ahhh the future
Ahhh the future
Apr 20, 12:30 PM
Doesn't every GPS based phone have something like this?
Apr 14, 11:50 AM
Thank goodness Intel will be supporting USB3 for our peripherals.
I'm sure I'm not the only one here who is barely tolerating the mouse and keyboard lag from the slower USB2 port.
I'm sure I'm not the only one here who is barely tolerating the mouse and keyboard lag from the slower USB2 port.
Sep 5, 08:46 AM
Canadian store is down.
Apr 22, 01:22 PM
Because part of releasing a new, backwards approaching, IGP in the 13" MBP required saving face for both its MacBook "PRO" name and Intel's IGP capabilities itself.
If the resolution is upgraded to 1440x900, the IGP is going to perform worse in comparison to the prior 13" MBP...
Hum... that's the point, you wouldn't even notice that in regular desktop usage, only in gaming and then only if you usually game on the internal display.
The framebuffer resolutions required for desktop usage have been pushed by GPUs much less than the SB graphics. Again, my Matrox G200 could power a 1600x1200 monitor with ease with about 1% of the processing power of a 9400M, much less that of the 320M or the Intel 3000HD.
These GPUs can power 30" monitors at 2560x1600 and their internal display on the laptops without breaking a sweat, at the same time. You wouldn't notice a degradation in performance. I'm writing this right now with my MBA connected to a 2048x1156 monitor and it's also powering its own 1440x900 display where iTunes is displayed. I'm not seeing this "degradation" you speak of.
This, again, only applies to 3D gaming. We don't know why the MBP didn't get the resolution upgrade and I can garantee you it has nothing to do with the GPU.
If the resolution is upgraded to 1440x900, the IGP is going to perform worse in comparison to the prior 13" MBP...
Hum... that's the point, you wouldn't even notice that in regular desktop usage, only in gaming and then only if you usually game on the internal display.
The framebuffer resolutions required for desktop usage have been pushed by GPUs much less than the SB graphics. Again, my Matrox G200 could power a 1600x1200 monitor with ease with about 1% of the processing power of a 9400M, much less that of the 320M or the Intel 3000HD.
These GPUs can power 30" monitors at 2560x1600 and their internal display on the laptops without breaking a sweat, at the same time. You wouldn't notice a degradation in performance. I'm writing this right now with my MBA connected to a 2048x1156 monitor and it's also powering its own 1440x900 display where iTunes is displayed. I'm not seeing this "degradation" you speak of.
This, again, only applies to 3D gaming. We don't know why the MBP didn't get the resolution upgrade and I can garantee you it has nothing to do with the GPU.
Apr 22, 09:31 AM
Man, stop it with the cloud service already. :rolleyes: You can't rely on the internet availability for listening to music. It's unreliable. Plus, the streaming will probably be low resolution, drain battery life, eat into data caps, not display lyrics, and generally be a crappy experience. If I wanted to stream, I can do it from my home computer where my music already resides with one of the 100 apps already available and not have to fight through all the bandwidth issues that are probably gonna result from Apple's side. What's the point? I can do this now.
Of course what we really need if more friggin' flash memory on our devices! Apple's been stuck on 32 GB on the iPhone for almost 3 years!
Of course what we really need if more friggin' flash memory on our devices! Apple's been stuck on 32 GB on the iPhone for almost 3 years!
Sep 14, 10:11 AM
New version of Aperture!.. Saweeet
or more likely a new Apple iSLR
16 Megapixels
full frame sensor
Adaptive lens mount supports all Canon and Nikon Lenses
60gb removeable 1.8" hard drive
3" OLED screen
And all for a low, low price of $599.
or more likely a new Apple iSLR
16 Megapixels
full frame sensor
Adaptive lens mount supports all Canon and Nikon Lenses
60gb removeable 1.8" hard drive
3" OLED screen
And all for a low, low price of $599.
Apr 25, 01:54 AM
And then there's a thing called the speed limit. Doesn't matter if she did 45, 55, or 65. She's still in the right.
Well that's not entirely right either. Driving too slowly, especially in the fast lane, can get you a ticket as well.
It all comes down to reasonableness and safety. I don't think most posters in this thread object to drivers who go faster than the posted limit when they are cautious, calm, and experienced.
The OP's attitude is shocking because it is full of youthful arrogance of the type that usually ends up in a Red Asphalt video.
Well that's not entirely right either. Driving too slowly, especially in the fast lane, can get you a ticket as well.
It all comes down to reasonableness and safety. I don't think most posters in this thread object to drivers who go faster than the posted limit when they are cautious, calm, and experienced.
The OP's attitude is shocking because it is full of youthful arrogance of the type that usually ends up in a Red Asphalt video.
Sep 15, 06:38 PM
not too bad...wish it was alot sooner, but I guess I'll have to wait:(
Jul 20, 03:42 AM
Just FYI: It seems that Merom will ship at speeds from 1.66 to 2.33 GHz, the 1.66GHz and 1.83 GHz have 2 MB cache, and 2GHz and faster all have 4 MB cache. Prices seem to be identical to the current Yonah prices (except the 2.33; there is no 2.33 GHz Yonah). So I would expect that all Yonahs will be replaced with Merom at same clockspeed, and that means 4MB cache except for the low end MacBook and possibly MacMini.
Actually there is a 2.33 Yonah, but it just shipped recently.
Actually there is a 2.33 Yonah, but it just shipped recently.
Sep 13, 11:46 PM
9) Quit asking about live iChat video chat, it AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. A possible related item would be iChat texting (similar to current AOL, Yahoo, ICQ).[/QUOTE]
Its just some kind of 3G and Skype technology, It s not hard to do it. But I think Apple isnt rich enuf to do that in the market.
9) Quit asking about live iChat video chat, it AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. A possible related item would be iChat texting (similar to current AOL, Yahoo, ICQ).[/QUOTE]
Its just some kind of 3G and Skype technology, It s not hard to do it. But I think Apple isnt rich enuf to do that in the market.
Mar 23, 06:27 PM
The beautiful thing is that this is great advertisement for the app. I bet more people have downloaded this than ever before. I didn't know about this app until today, so thanks for that senator dumbfukz...
Its how I found about it. Thank you Elected Dweebs
Its how I found about it. Thank you Elected Dweebs
Jul 14, 09:20 AM
The Core 2 Duo and Core 2 Extreme are widely expected to make their Mac debut in Apple's PowerMac computers which are rumored to be released on August 7th 2006 at the World Wide Developers Conference.
I want my MacBook Pro Core 2!!!.
I want my MacBook Pro Core 2!!!.
Jul 14, 10:35 AM
The 2.40 and 2.66 (which would be great for the imacs) use 114 Watts at idle and 158-162 at load (http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/showdoc.aspx?i=2795&p=7). Here's info on power draw for original G5s (http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=32486), early 2005 G5s (http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=302439), and late 2005 G5s (http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=303540). I fail to see the problem. I'm not being flip - I really fail to see the problem. They fit G5s in to imacs, and those power draw numbers look worse than conroe's, unless I'm missing something.Thanks for the additional research. Still, you're taxing the current 180w power supply. I don't think the Power Mac G5 is a good example either. Are we expecting a redesign for Conroe? Not that I don't WANT Conroe in the iMac. It just seems a bit much.
Apr 25, 02:04 PM
The new Macbook Pro will be released in October/November 2011.
May 1, 03:19 AM
Well here it is Sunday, still no official word from Apple or any other credible source confirming tuesdays launch. I just hope that this is NOT going to be a huge let down.
And hopefully when we do see this launch tuesday most people say Wow.
And hopefully when we do see this launch tuesday most people say Wow.
Sep 15, 11:49 PM
man, I really don't hope it takes that long....my contract ends in november. oct/nov seems like a better idea for sales. pweeeze apple? :o
Aug 28, 05:53 PM
They were not the first with core duo, nor with woodrest.
Apr 19, 04:19 PM
What about a hotshot stock trader making a killing working 80+ hours a week on salary. Should we be allowed to work this much without overtime?
Probably not. If the bankers had worked sensible hours they'd have been better integrated with society as a whole which would almost certainly have made the financial crisis less likely.
Probably not. If the bankers had worked sensible hours they'd have been better integrated with society as a whole which would almost certainly have made the financial crisis less likely.
Aug 28, 05:53 PM
They were not the first with core duo, nor with woodrest.
Sep 10, 09:57 PM
According to the Page 2 Rumors there are some significant speed ups to OpenGL in the next update to 10.4 due to multithreading. Apple has had 4 processor systems for over a year now. I would think they have some ideas about how to make use of it.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but it appears that the improvement was significantly overstated. Macrumors has now updated that thread (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=232126).
Sorry to burst your bubble, but it appears that the improvement was significantly overstated. Macrumors has now updated that thread (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=232126).
Mar 22, 05:32 PM
Wife said Yes
But apple said no for now. Mac mini is core2duo for him right now lol
But apple said no for now. Mac mini is core2duo for him right now lol
Apr 22, 11:55 AM
maybe i can get a 500gb ssd in there by the time it's released, then i'll have all i want (for now).
Sep 6, 12:15 PM
I came across this interesting article which says that Amazon is also planning to offer movies online in its store and that it has almost finalized deals with at least 3 of the big studios.
Amazon was also suppsedly working on an iTMS/iPod killer that was to have launched this summer, with a subsidized/free player so perhaps the movie bit is linked to that?
Amazon was also suppsedly working on an iTMS/iPod killer that was to have launched this summer, with a subsidized/free player so perhaps the movie bit is linked to that?
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