السبت، 21 مايو 2011

Moon Star Clipart

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  • Silencio
    Oct 12, 02:04 PM
    Way to display your ignorance, Saladin.

    Don't you know that Led Zeppelin never licenses their name and music for anything? Besides Cadillac and the Almost Famous soundtrack.

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  • mduser63
    Sep 4, 07:01 PM
    I want an iTunes Movie Store, but to me it would be a lot better if you had the choice between a $9.99 download and a $2 or $3 rental that expired after a couple days. I honestly don't buy very many movies at all, because I rarely watch a movie twice. I do like to rent them though, and anything that made that more convenient would be great.

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  • BRLawyer
    Sep 9, 01:16 PM
    Well they were selling them back in 1996 so you might want to add 5 years to your 5 year statement. You could buy dual 604e in the 9500 and the 9600 too I think.

    You are right, but if I remember well the 9500 had 604s, not 604e...and actually the 9600 had the best-ever case for any Mac...you just had to pull down one of the panels to have full access to everything in the MOBO and drives...really beautiful...


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  • MattyMac
    Sep 15, 06:43 PM
    I'll be very tempted if it has;
    All the display info in the latest iPods
    4-8 GB
    Full iLife intergration (iSync, iTunes, iPhoto, iCal, Address book (with pictures), Mail)
    Earphones (Pref BT and acts as hands free)

    iChat with BT for Audio?
    IR remote feature
    Light / Flash

    Wow...that would be ideal! Mucho $$ too.

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  • WildPalms
    Sep 10, 10:12 PM
    The iMacs will NEVER see Kentsfields. Apple would have to have put Conroe in the new iMacs for that even to be a remote possibility. Even if they had I would still say it would never get Kentsfields.

    I mean people are saying that Conroe is too hot for the iMac as it is (I don't think they are) but Kentsfield is two Conroe dies on one package. Meaning almost double the power consumption and heat generation.

    Close, Manic Mouse. I dont understand people's belief that every Intel chip made has to go into an Apple machine. I doubt the Conroe will be used in any Mac nor the Kentsfield. The range is covered, and I'm sick of these silly rumors of Mac mid towers.

    There wont be a mid tower, not now, not "Next Tuesday".

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  • vincenz
    Mar 29, 01:37 PM
    I bet these same analysts can predict lottery numbers for the next 4 years too.

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  • Gasu E.
    Apr 22, 08:27 AM
    I hate this cloud crap. All just an excuse to take away the consumers control of what they buy or use.

    We need a boycott.

    I believe any new innovation is designed specifically to be a personal imposition on me, regardless of how fanciful my assumptions.

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  • askthedust
    Sep 12, 02:35 PM

    had to go to summary/restore/update

    it downloads update to 1.2 and then restarts iteself.

    learn how to restore iPod, iPod mini, and iPod nano to factory settings.

    If you need to restore an iPod shuffle, click here.


    It is important to understand the difference between "update" and "restore". Update simply installs the software that controls iPod and does not affect the songs and files stored on iPod's disk. Restore erases the iPod's disk and restores iPod to its original factory condition.

    Warning: because Restore erases all of the songs and files on iPod, make sure to back up any files you've saved on the iPod disk. All of your songs, videos, podcasts, audiobooks, and games can be loaded back to your iPod provided that you have them stored in your iTunes Library. If you use the Nike + iPod Sport Kit, see this document for more information.

    How to restore iPod

    Ensure that you have an active Internet connection as new versions of iTunes and iPod Software may need to be downloaded to your computer.
    Download and install iTunes 7.0 or later if you do not already have it installed.
    Open iTunes, and then connect your iPod to your computer using the USB or FireWire cable that came with your iPod.
    After a few moments, your iPod will appear in the Source pane in iTunes.
    Select your iPod in the Source pane and you will see information about your iPod appear in the Summary tab of the main iTunes windows.
    Click the Restore button. You will be prompted with one or more restore options that may prompt iTunes to automatically download of the latest iPod Software. The 4 possible restore options are:
    Restore Option 1: Restore - Restores with same iPod Software version already on iPod.
    Restore Option 2: Use Same Version - Restores with same iPod Software version already on iPod even though a newer version is available.
    Restore Option 3: Use Newest Version - Restores with the latest iPod Software on your computer.
    Restore Option 4: Restore and Update - Restores with the latest iPod Software on your computer.
    If you are using a Mac, a message will appear prompting you to enter an administrator’s name and password.
    A progress bar will appear on the computer screen indicating that the first stage of the restore process has started. When this stage is completed, iTunes will present one of two messages on screen with instructions specific to the iPod model you are restoring.
    Restore Instruction 1: Disconnect iPod and connect it to iPod Power Adapter (typically applies to older iPod models).
    Restore Instruction 2: Leave iPod connected to computer to complete restore (typically applies newer iPod models).
    During the stage 2 of the restore process, the iPod will show an Apple logo as well as a progress bar at the bottom of the display. It is critical that the iPod remains connected to the computer or iPod Power adapter during this stage. Note: The progress bar may be difficult to see since the backlight on the iPod display may be off.
    After stage 2 of the restore process is complete and the iPod is connected to the computer, the iTunes Setup Assistant window will appear asking you to name your iPod and choose your syncing preferences similar to when you connected your iPod for the first time.

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  • iScott428
    Mar 23, 05:43 PM
    So much for freedom. Leave it Apple!

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  • The Phazer
    Apr 20, 11:17 AM
    Sigh. While the risk is very slight (I don't care about government access - they already have access to the carrier's records with a court order, but in theory this information is useful to a thief - say to identify the home address of a user to flag the home of someone who owned an iPhone and hence is probably worth breaking into their house or even identifying good times to do so given they're out most of the time at work etc), it's far from good that it's there.

    Not least because writing a huge log of this data is silly and pointless and is using up system requirements by doing so. I would assume that the the file has been left in due to nothing more than incompetence (Android doesn't seem to do this sort of tracking, it's not mandatory on the device itself), but if so it is very odd that nobody has noticed this while trying to optimise the code.

    So Apple either left in a bad privacy risk on purpose or audited the code badly for both security and performance. Neither of those options is very palatable.

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  • destroyboredom
    Mar 30, 12:52 PM
    Go to about 1:03


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  • gnasher729
    Mar 30, 01:12 PM
    If Apple wins this argument, obviously that would prevent MS from calling theirs the "App Store" - but can they still use the phrase descriptively? I.e. "Welcome to App Market, Microsoft's app store."

    If they can't (and Microsoft, Google, Blackberry etc. all trademark the others, App Shop, App Market etc.), then how do you describe what the App Store/App Shop is? I can't think of a more generic variant which could be used to describe it. "Windows" is an OS. "Internet Explorer" is a browser. "Office" is an application suite. "App Store" is...errr... an app store.

    Application store. Software store. If you want to use the word store. But there is no need to. App Market is clear enough, isn't it? A market is a friendly, open place where you buy a variety of things at good prices, not walled in and regulated like a store. I'd say "Welcome to App Market, the place where you find all the software you need".

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  • aohus
    Apr 19, 01:49 PM
    Wait, people actually still listen to actual radios?

    But seriously yeaaaahhhh not a huge wanted feature by the general populace.

    um, radio controls, a la Bluetooth, WiFi, 3G, WiFi HotSpot enable/disable feature.

    like this

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  • Chris Bangle
    Oct 12, 01:35 PM
    I just saw those mock ups on the appleinsder forum and i say that it looks much better than i imagined it to..... Im quite impressed. They will sell millions of them, good for Apple, but better for africa. Red or blue nano, tough decision.......

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  • OdduWon
    Sep 13, 09:24 PM
    Sorry man, this is MacRumors. If you don't like talking about rumored products and such, sign up for an account on MacFacts. :p :cool:

    The mock-up looks cool - definitely something that I could see Apple designing. It bares quite a similarity though to LG's Chocolate phone...
    thats because they knew apple TelePod was about to come out so they dumped their on the market first

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  • kenaustus
    Mar 23, 06:14 PM
    I prefer to see the apps pulled. Some apps are best not available. Maybe we could add others, like the locations of the various whorehouses, and best corners for buying drugs.

    It certainly doesn't hurt to add to Apple's No Porn standards.

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  • drsmithy
    May 4, 11:38 AM
    And where on the MBP logic board would you like to place the second video card?
    You don't need two video cards to drive two outputs.

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  • Vegasman
    Mar 30, 11:57 AM


    I think this is enough to show that Microsoft is unequivocally correct. The term has been in use for much longer than Apple's launching of the store and it has been ubiquitous in the computer industry for a long time.

    The way to distinguish (if it needs to be done) between app stores is by saying the name of the app store before hand, ie the Apple App Store, the Amazon App Store, or the Microsoft App Store.

    Examples of uses (Dvorak in his references to "killer app"):

    2005: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/a-k...or-real-estate
    2004: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,1599324,00.asp
    2003: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,1191830,00.asp

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  • davede70
    Sep 11, 09:32 PM
    Could the combo of the update on the airport extreme and the update to the video ipod = a way to wirelessly update your ipod?

    Aug 28, 04:09 PM
    Some of us don't have time to wait, my friend. Some of us need these things for school, which starts shortly. Very shortly. And a customized MacBook already takes 1-2 weeks to get to you. Which means I need to order by september 5th at the latest.

    So order it.

    I was talking about people who buy a machine and immediately consider returning it.

    Aug 28, 07:11 PM
    I wonder if some people read the guide I made at all. :confused:

    I do, I think you did a great job.

    Apr 17, 01:06 AM
    why would I want to pay someone $17 an hour to a job a monkey is almost qualified to do? Sounds like an opportunity to hire less people, or jack my prices up. A job is worth simply what a job is worth. Period. If I'm trying to offer services at competitive prices, and someone is willing to bag groceries for $3 an hour, then they should be ALLOWED to. Rather than me just choose to hire nobody and using automated checkouts.

    What happens then? More people find jobs, and prices go down. $3 dollars suddenly buys you a subway sandwich. # of consumers goes up bc more people are employed, which brings in more revenue, causes more hiring etc.

    Also, people who do want to make $10 bucks an hour are forced to either be productive or learn something useful, which is good for everyone, plus that $10 is worth more now bc of deflation. Deflation would also drive interest rates on loans down bc the money you pay back is worth more.

    Best case scenario, taxes are low at this point, and the government isn't a handout machine, so people feel the need to donate to an EFFICIENT charity. Rather than to the government, which is the most inefficient entity on the planet.

    Overall result: More buying power, lower unemployment, more substantial and efficient charity, more innovation.

    OR we can take away every incentive to be productive (France) and have a GDP smaller than the interest payments on the national debt (France in 2020)

    I'd say since the high point of post WWII, we as a society in the U.S. have done our best to eradicate The New Deal and move back to reaching for magnificant wealth while screwing each other over.?

    really? we've been getting LESS progressive since the new deal? I was under the impression that our government is GIGANTIC and tries to babysit us at every turn while simultaneously urinating on the constitution

    No kidding right?

    My buddy and I went boarding 2 days ago and he dislocated his finger (looked bad as it was all bent funny)

    Anyways, took him to the clinic and was charged 1300 bucks to put it back into place and he doesnt have health insurance

    Heaven forbid one needs surgery or broke a leg or anything more than dislocating a finger....would need a few million stashed away

    Or perhaps a steady job mingled in with some tort reform, or a private charity willing to foot the bill if he were unemployed.

    However, I don't know if boarding is the best option when you're unemployed

    The more paranoid might suggest that oil companies are collaborating with auto makers and the government to keep efficiency as low as they can get away with. Remember, the record for fuel economy was set in the mid 70s in a slightly modified Opel: something like 237 miles on a gallon (US) of gasoline. Highly idealized conditions no doubt, but my goodness, the average automobile today should be at least a third of the way there.

    US government regulations for increasing gas efficiency has resulted in car companies making vehicles lighter at rate beyond evolving the technology to maintain safety, which has resulted in an average of 10,000 avoidable deaths per year since the early 70's

    But hey, maybe that fraction of environmental impact we have that's causing that fraction of a global degree change might have been marginally altered. Maybe. And it's only cost us ~300,000 lives so far. Thank you government! Just tack that onto the millions you killed by restricting DDT use, and you can further brag about your death toll

    What is this supposed to show? That US corporations are more profitable? Is that a good thing? For whom?

    Stock owners in these companies. Which are made up of middle class citizens

    Ridiculous? Not quite, from the parent's perspective.

    In Canada we have 12 months maternity leave, which can be taken by either spouse, or split, 6 months/6 months.

    Yeah man, one of my biggest incentives to put my money on the line and open a small business is that I have the opportunity to pay someone to not work for a year.

    Or maybe in that transaction I'll get to use the government as a middle man via taxes, and I'll end up spending %30 more in order to maintain its inefficiency

    Oct 12, 02:21 PM
    I would love to have a red iPod, but I don't know why we would ever give money to help fight AIDS on a continent where the people take NO precautions to prevent themselves from getting AIDS... I mean, sure many children are born with it in Africa, but for soooo many adults, they could prevent the spread if they would just be monogamous.

    So there, I solved AIDS for free, no Oprah, no Bono, no Ipods. Just have sex only within a lifetime committed relationship and AIDS is all but gone in one generation!

    I'll stick to my black aluminum iPod nano, anyhow. I just hope 10% of the proceeds didn't go to research finding cures for the black plague... or frostbite...
    It makes me so happy to know that there are still plenty of stupid people in the world.

    Thank you

    Aug 28, 02:33 PM
    I too am waiting for a revision before buying. But it is somewhat ridiculous. Like saying I could date this girl now, or I could wait until next month when a faster one turns 18.

    On another note, anyone notice that Mini's are gone from the refurb store...

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