الجمعة، 20 مايو 2011

Tree Of Life Evolution

Tree Of Life Evolution. Tree of Life:
  • Tree of Life:

  • Eidorian
    Apr 14, 05:54 PM
    After thinking about this some more, I have come to believe this is just damage control over AMD's recent chipset certification (http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/mainboards/display/20110413152041_AMD_First_to_Certify_USB_3_0_Supporting_Chipset.html) from the USB-IF.

    They are just reassuring their support of USB 3.0. I still believe that Thunderbolt will require its additional controller and will not be supported directly on the chipset for Panther Point. (Intel 7 Series, excluding X79)

    Tree Of Life Evolution. The Tree of Life
  • The Tree of Life

  • callme
    Mar 29, 12:59 PM
    Considering that, when the iPhone was first announced, Jobs stated he would be happy with a 1% share of the market, Apple isn't doing too badly. If MS gets their act together with the Windows phone, I can see it getting a larger share. I guess how big a share depends on how Apple and Google respond with their own innovations.

    He said he would be happy with 1% of the TOTAL MOBILE PHONE MARKET SHARE, not just SMARTPHONES!

    What % of the total do Apple actually have?
    The latest figure I could see was 1.5%, not that much over the target the Steve set.

    Don't read the % figure of the Smartphone market as being the target Steve was after!

    Tree Of Life Evolution. on a New Tree of Life
  • on a New Tree of Life

  • Peruna
    Mar 23, 06:47 PM
    Oh god no I hope apple doesn't cave to this kind of Orwellian garbage. I feel for all of the victims of DUIs and know that I have personally called the police on a car that was very obviously had an impaired person behind the wheel but as a non drunk driver if I want to avoid being hassled I should be able to.

    You called in a drunk driver? Aren't you the fascist! Who are you to interfere the drunk driver's right to drive recklessly and kill someone? You are a responsible citizen that's what. I imagine you might feel differently about this matter if you ever bothered to console a family who's loved one was killed by a drunk driver. I rarely, if ever, agree with Sens. Reid or Schmer, but here they are dead on. This is not censorship or legislation, this is Senators using the bully pulpit to persuade responsible social action. Bully for them!

    Tree Of Life Evolution. the full tree of life.
  • the full tree of life.

  • snebes
    Apr 4, 12:00 PM
    How sad,
    I mean a person lost his life because of his actions, and the guard now has to live with the fact that he took a life. All for what - some iToys? Doesn't seem worth it. :(

    I don't mean to be off-topic with this, nor am I pro-guns or anything, but the security guard was protecting himself from people that had no respect for life to begin with. Would your story be the same if the felons killed the security guard? or if they were robbing your house?

    Tree Of Life Evolution. Haeckel#39;s tree of life
  • Haeckel#39;s tree of life

  • blacktape242
    Mar 30, 11:43 AM
    I want my 5 mins back from reading this article and writing this post......

    Tree Of Life Evolution. TREE OF LIFE. GREEN ALGAE

  • Unorthodox
    Aug 28, 12:10 PM
    This Tuesday! This Tuesday!

    Tree Of Life Evolution. Tree of life with and without
  • Tree of life with and without

  • revfife
    Sep 12, 03:03 PM
    My only problem is there doesn't seem to be an education discount right now on the new iPods. Just 249 and 349. :confused:

    Tree Of Life Evolution. The+tree+of+life+evolution
  • The+tree+of+life+evolution

  • cube
    Apr 22, 01:57 PM
    An Audi R8 doesn't have any heated seats but a Honda Civic does so that means that an Audi R8 must look bad correct? So why would someone buy an Audi R8 instead of a Honda Civic? :rolleyes:

    Nice job ignoring the HP Envy.

    Why am I even bothering?

    I heard the name HP Envy, but I never bothered looking what it is. So yes, I ignore it.

    So, if there's no option to have heated seats in the Audi, that looks bad.

    Tree Of Life Evolution. Although the #39;tree of life#39;
  • Although the #39;tree of life#39;

  • bpaluzzi
    Apr 11, 06:10 AM
    Care to actually show me what app that will actually do what I was talking about? :rolleyes:
    I want to play music from iTunes on my Mac as the source, and multiple airplay devices as the target. Currently I can only play to Airport Expresses and Apple TVs (and upcoming Airplay certified speakers). I want Apple to include all iOS devices to that list of target devices.

    They already do. Use homesharing and you're all set. Or use Air Foil and get it to work exactly as you describe. Not big on research, eh? ;-)

    Tree Of Life Evolution. The Universal Tree of Life as
  • The Universal Tree of Life as

  • cere
    Apr 14, 01:24 PM
    Guys, should I buy now or wa......

    A Mac? Why not?

    Tree Of Life Evolution. image of the Tree of Life:
  • image of the Tree of Life:

  • charlituna
    May 3, 11:05 AM
    So when is the ACD gonna support thunderbolt?

    Likely never. At least by Apple. That is old school tech that they want you to replace.

    Tree Of Life Evolution. Modern Tree of Life.
  • Modern Tree of Life.

  • Jilted John
    May 4, 08:01 AM
    Just pulled the trigger on a new base 21 (500GB/TB/MTP)... then spotted the last-gen base 27 on sale on the refurb page for a similar price (1TB/Mini Display Port/MM). I was happy enough with the 21, but now I'm getting buyers remorse. Processor aside, the old base 27 looks the equal of, or superior to, the new base 21.

    Is having the new processor and TB worth more than the bigger HD and screen? Any thoughts?

    Tree Of Life Evolution. EVOLUTION amp; ADAPTATION

  • GGJstudios
    Mar 18, 11:19 AM
    The biggest reason that we have been Virus and attack free in general is because we have been such an exclusive club for so long. ...

    I mean really when 92% of the world runs on Windows, and mere 5% runs on OSX, who would you target?
    The market share myth is exactly that: a myth. It has little or nothing to do with market share.
    But as that percentage begins to increase
    It already has increased, while the number of viruses that run on current Mac systems has decreased... to zero.
    ... and the typical Mac user has more money that the typical Windows user
    You can't determine a person's wealth by the computer they have. Some are millionaires and spend $500 on a computer because it's not that important to them. Some are struggling to survive and spend every penny they can borrow to buy the latest gear. If you measure a person's financial strength by the type of computer they have, Mac users would rank higher in most cases, since Macs are more expensive than PCs with the same specs.

    Your arguments have no basis in fact.

    The Mac Malware Myth (http://www.roughlydrafted.com/2009/01/29/the-mac-malware-myth/)
    Apple market share tops 10%, Windows share lowest since tracking began (http://www.tuaw.com/2009/01/02/apple-market-share-tops-10-windows-share-lowest-since-tracking/)

    Tree Of Life Evolution. tree of life
  • tree of life

  • 0s and 1s
    Sep 13, 09:25 PM
    I pray to Shiva that the picture is not authentic.

    A chrome back on a cellular phone? Surely they can't be serious?? :(

    Tree Of Life Evolution. quot;Tree of Lifequot; proposed by
  • quot;Tree of Lifequot; proposed by

  • 4God
    Aug 28, 01:10 PM
    I wonder if some people read the guide I made at all. :confused:

    I did after you posted on this thread. As I said, Thanks.

    Tree Of Life Evolution. out our tree of life,
  • out our tree of life,

  • kavika411
    Apr 20, 10:46 AM
    Apple has never cared about the user, this is not news. Apple only care about one thing: money

    What does this even mean? "Apple has never cared about the user?" Perhaps you can teach us, then, how Apple has enjoyed so much success despite "never caring for the user."

    Or was it simply fun to write those sentences?

    Tree Of Life Evolution. and the Tree of Life
  • and the Tree of Life

  • asdf542
    Apr 22, 01:54 PM
    So, ONE netbook which has an optical drive. Which makes the MBA look bad because it doesn't have one.

    Actually, most netbooks make the MBA look bad because it doesn't have gigabit ethernet.

    And a 15" Zacate which is not a notebook because the CPU is too weak, it's not a netbook, and it's not an ultraportable because it's too big would make an MBP without optical disk look bad because of the price, even if it has little reason to exist (unclassifiable in a bad way).
    An Audi R8 doesn't have any heated seats but a Honda Civic does so that means that an Audi R8 must look bad correct? So why would someone buy an Audi R8 instead of a Honda Civic? :rolleyes:

    Nice job ignoring the HP Envy.

    Why am I even bothering?

    Tree Of Life Evolution. Darwin#39;s quot;Tree of Lifequot;
  • Darwin#39;s quot;Tree of Lifequot;

  • nsayer
    Mar 23, 04:46 PM
    They are couching this as a fight against drunk driving, but Trapster primarily is about alerting you to speed traps, red light cameras and other purely revenue generating tools used by local cops and insurance companies to take your money from you using the fig leaf of allegedly improving traffic safety.

    pro-tip: You want to reduce red light crashes? Make the yellow light longer. Oh but that won't make you more money in traffic fines. Oops. In actual fact, many communities that have put in red light cameras have been caught cheating - REDUCING the length of the yellow lights beyond the minimums in the MUTCD.

    If they ban Trapster from the store I solemnly swear that I will make it my life's work to build a web-based replacement that they can't ban.

    Tree Of Life Evolution. Origin of life, Evolution:
  • Origin of life, Evolution:

  • gooddeal
    Apr 19, 08:31 AM
    Great! Now, we have Chinese knock off and Korean knock off.:o

    Apr 19, 07:32 AM
    Should be studying in law school instead of engineering. No innovative products but loads of cash to be made:D Lawsuits everywhere.

    Mar 29, 01:25 PM
    I've only seen two windows phones in the wild. I call BS.

    Mar 29, 03:29 PM
    The iPhone has gone from 0% market share in 2007 to 17.25% in 2010. Based on my projections they will reach 100% market share by 2024. That about sums up how ridiculous this article is.

    Thees predictions are looking 4 years ahead. 4 years ago the iPhone was not even shipping yet! I dare anyone to accurately predict the tech world 4 years in advance. The history of technology seems to be more than anything else dominated by failed predictions. Remember a few years ago when Microsoft predicted that a typical computer running Windows Vista would operate at 6GHz? They failed to even see one year ahead of time when Intel and others would hit the power wall.

    Microsoft is expected to recommend that the "average" Longhorn PC feature a dual-core CPU running at 4 to 6GHz; a minimum of 2 gigs of RAM; up to a terabyte of storage; a 1 Gbit, built-in, Ethernet-wired port and an 802.11g wireless link; and a graphics processor that runs three times faster than those on the market today.


    Apr 4, 12:10 PM
    Anybody responsible for guarding should have a gun. If the person isn't qualified to carry a gun, they he/she isn't qualified to guard anything and shouldn't be a guard.

    When you're exchanging gunfire with a criminal, the main goal is not to wound; it is to remove the threat to your life completely. Let's say the guard shoots the guy in the arm, the guy's going to be so pumped up on adrenaline that he's not going to even know he's shot, giving him plenty of opportunity to take another shot.

    Ask yourself this: If it were your life he was guarding, what would you want the guard to do?

    Maybe you're right, maybe not... I mean, I doubt the guys went in in Kevlar suit saying "we take the loot, not matter what. If someones try to stop us, we kill him". In a bank robbery maybe they would but I doubt they were ready to kill somebody only for a few iPads...

    But that's just me.

    Apr 17, 03:20 PM
    Thanks GGJ.

    What about the security sensitive files in /Library? Such as /Library/InputManagers, /Library/Extensions, /Library/LaunchDaemons, /Library/Security, and etc?

    I am pretty sure these only have system with write privileges. No?
    Sorry, I didn't see your edit:

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