الجمعة، 20 مايو 2011

Best Friendship Quotes For Girls

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  • JobsRules
    Oct 27, 12:20 PM
    Somebody please explain to me what GW Bush has to do with a Greenpeace story out of the London Mac Expo?

    I'd guess because we now live in an era, often associated with the Bush era, where crushing all dissent is considered no biggie by a large section of the fear-controlled, TV-addled masses?

    Therefore any heavy handed, over the top, removal of protestors or dissenters is therefore viewed in relation to the current climate.

    Nothing wierd about that - historians talk about 'Victorian values' to denote a wide collection of social and political mores. People see the politics of fear, of removal of long-held liberties, planting fake new stories in the press, shouting down or restricting of dissent to be the defining characteristics of the 'Bush era'.

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 25, 01:23 AM
    Well I'm sorry to hear that happened to your father. My mother was in a similar situation a few years back. She cut off an idiot doing 20 under the speed limit, slammed on the brakes, and there was a wreck. The guy she cut off was found to be at fault for not maintaining a proper distance, my mother was not found at fault. She openly told the cops that she had just passed the guy, and after she passed she thought she saw a squirrel enter the road, so she slammed on the breaks. On top of doing $15,000 grand worth of damage to the guys car (which he had to pay for due to not having broadform insurance) she then sued him for her $2,000 deductible, and won. Sucks to be him, maybe he does the speed limit now.

    EDIT: @ EricNau - what do you guys not understand about "she was doing 65mph is a 70mph zone" which she then lowered to 55mph after brakechecking me????????


    wow clearly no one in your family should not be hind the wheel of a car.
    You all do road rage.
    One day someone will pull a gun on you.
    Sadly the cop was a crappy investigatory because your mom did an illegally lane changed. plus road rage and really there was a lot of room to prove it but you had a lazy cop and then a mother who lies and teachers her son to lie and pull the same crap.

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  • Durendal
    Oct 27, 10:54 AM
    Yes, they should just just shut-up and vote for corporate-sponsored Republicrats or Converalabour every four or five years and take it.

    It's a shame that there is no longer any meaningful democracy.
    Yes, and that certainly justifies being a loudmouthed asshat. There are ways you can get a message out without being a douchebag, but that's rapidly becoming a lost art on any part of the political spectrum.

    Anyway, I'd be pretty pissed off if a bunch of Greenpeace guys were screwing with my baby kid without even talking to me about it. I don't care if it's as inconspicuous as them putting an apple in the pram and snapping publicity photos. They had damn well better get permission before doing it.

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  • ciTiger
    Apr 14, 12:03 PM
    I hope the new MBPs get USB3.0!

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  • mcrain
    Apr 20, 08:54 AM
    Always makes me lol to see someone attribute slavery to the "right". The mysteries of 7th grade history class, revealed for you:

    "The Republican Presidential Candidate Abraham Lincoln thought no price was too great for the abolition of slavery and the creation of a society in which a man was not judged by the color of his skin."

    "The Democratic Party Platform presented a plan of "Compromise with the South", which ... would be to agree to make permanent the institution of slavery in exchange for an end to the Civil War and restoration of the Union. In other words, the Democratic party was ready to "Sell Out" the enslaved, in order to stop further loss of white lives."


    "an exclusively partisan Democratic organization in the South" ... "the southern Klan remained Democratic, closely allied with Democratic police, sheriffs, and other functionaries of local government. With continuing disfranchisement of most African Americans and many poor whites, the only political activity took place within the Democratic Party."


    You are right, but there is a great big asterick. The republicans a long, long time ago were the party that opposed slavery, and the southern democrats were the party more representative of slave owners.

    What might have changed since the days of Abe Lincoln? Considering his museum is about 200 steps from where I'm sitting right now, I'll offer an answer. The positions of the two parties shifted when the Republicans adopted the southern strategy.

    I find it funny (LOL) whenever Republicans point to Honest Abe as a standard bearer for their party when they turned their backs on what he stood for. If he were alive today, he would be a Democrat, and he would be ashamed of the efforts of his party to divide the nation into those who have vs. those who do not.

    Southern Strategy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy)

    (edit) So, depending on how you look at it, both arguments are correct. Yesterday's Democrats were responsible for slavery, but todays "right" sounds an awful lot like yesterday's southern Democrats. In other words, the "right" by today's standards would have been yesterday's Democrats.

    From a 5 second google search - a different view of the same issue...
    I find it extrememely hard to believe that Abe Lincoln would be a Republican today since the Republican Party of the 1860s was a completeley different animal than today's conservative GOP. Even though he was a moderate, his party's base of support was in the Northeast/New England and was made up of former Whigs, Free Soilers, Radical Republicans and abolitionists (i.e., America's first "bleeding-heart liberals"). The Democratic Party was the party of "states rights", wealthy plantation owners and slave-holders, and rather arch-conservative elements.

    Abe Lincoln first made a name of himself by speaking out against the Mexican-American War in the Illinois legistlature, as a war that was only meant to expand slavery westward (can you say "ANTI-WAR LIBERAL")

    Abe Lincoln was also hated in the South (he didn't recieve a SINGLE VOTE in the South!), was even accused to being half-black, even though he was not as radical as some other Republicans.

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  • aloshka
    Mar 29, 01:01 PM
    I think he was referring to the older versions of Office that had weird MDI interfaces for Word and Excel, so that it only displayed one document at a time, unless you explicitly forced two separate instances of the application to run at the same time.

    Actually there is still annoyances with that. While you can run two instances of Excel they still use a weird MDI interface if you are just double clicking to open files. A nightmare if you have dual monitors, and still not fixed in Office 2010.

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  • rmwebs
    Apr 28, 04:23 PM
    Another nickel in the bank.
    Image (http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2009/11/9/129023086802465617.jpg)

    You do realize that this image could end up biting Apple in the butt? In 3 years time the iPad will be where the iPhone is now: Loosing some (not all) of its marketshare to the knockoffs.

    Unless Apple has a new iToy (I.e not an MP3 player, phone or tablet) ready for say 3-4 years from now, they wont get any bigger than they now are.

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  • bbeagle
    Apr 22, 09:35 AM
    it not be too long until all music is purchased in digital format and only accessible via a cloud service. this means thats actually having a copy of a song (to share) will be a thing of the past. You pay your $9.99 for an album and happily listen to it for a couple of years, then the labels decided that album is more valuable than the original price and ask you for another $2 if you wish to access it again from the cloud.

    I actually expect it to be worse than that.

    Imagine if you 'buy' a cloud-only song for 99 cents, The fine-print will say that this 'rental' is only good for 90 days or 1 year. You'll then have to 'buy it again' to keep listening to the song. Or there might be a limit of 100 times to listen to the song. And in 10 years, we'll think of this as the 'norm'.

    There are so many ingenious ways to make money when you don't own the actual physical media, and I'm sure the record labels are devising these schemes as we speak.

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  • CalBoy
    Apr 25, 01:54 AM
    And then there's a thing called the speed limit. Doesn't matter if she did 45, 55, or 65. She's still in the right.

    Well that's not entirely right either. Driving too slowly, especially in the fast lane, can get you a ticket as well.

    It all comes down to reasonableness and safety. I don't think most posters in this thread object to drivers who go faster than the posted limit when they are cautious, calm, and experienced.

    The OP's attitude is shocking because it is full of youthful arrogance of the type that usually ends up in a Red Asphalt video.

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  • steadysignal
    Apr 22, 06:42 PM
    time to get the purchase order put in the system :)

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  • supermacdesign
    Sep 19, 01:35 PM
    Studios are scrambling and re-evaluating there offers right now to get on board.

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  • Detrius
    Mar 16, 10:31 AM
    I can just imagine that future Apple operating systems might very well include native protection that wold continue to thwart people wanting to sell anti-malware for Apple OS.

    OS X Server ships with clamav for filtering viruses through the email server. Lion merges client and server. Therefore, there will be an antivirus program shipping with 10.7.

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  • smack416
    Oct 27, 06:55 PM
    I was thinking of buying an iPod Shuffle for my niece for Xmas but she'll be getting something else instead.

    I'm sure your niece will be proud of you too, once she can understand why you did what you did.

    What, exactly, is there to be proud of? Taking an uninformed or misguided stand is not something to trumpet.

    As an environmentalist I am extremely pissed at Greenpeace and all the other fear mongerers out there that spread lies and hyperbole in order to "force" people to believe in their righteous campaigns.

    As someone working in the marketing industry it pains me to see such useless posturing which, in the end, may win over a few fanatics but, most importantly, alienates the general public.

    Actually making an impact on the environment would not be terribly difficult if groups like Greenpeace weren't putting off the average person from having a proper discussion on the issues that could actually make a difference. I'm talking about energy conservation over, say, inconsequential amounts of BFRs.

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  • 4God
    Aug 28, 12:07 PM
    I'll bet we see a Mini refresh tomorrow.

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  • wwooden
    Sep 12, 02:42 PM
    I very much would like to have seen the prices remain the same and include an AC adapter again.

    If you buy this iPod and an AC adapter it is still cheaper than before.

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  • babyj
    Sep 2, 06:51 PM
    It had better do. The British public (those who pay license, which like 99% do) has the legal right to every single piece of footage, news story, radio recording etc. etc. the BBC has ever produced, but we have access to about 1% of it.

    It's a big point of controversy here. Partly it's been due to technology limitations, but pretty soon there'll be no excuse, and the BBC should be right off the bat finding new ways to deliver what belongs to us.

    I don't think it is that simple. There are obstacles to the BBC offering more material in digital formats, if they could they would. Plus they already offer far more than any other tv companies in the UK at present.

    Everyone seems far too pre-occupied with the USA, forgetting the fact that there is very little (ie none) tv content available to users outside the USA. I'd of thought addressing that would be higher on the list of priorities than offering movies to the USA, especially as there isn't any real opposition for the movie market at present.

    More important in the UK though is the Premiership (the top football/soccer league in the UK) - if they started offering complete games for download at say £2 each they'd probably sell out of iPods within a week. It worked for Sky and I'm sure it would for Apple / iTunes.

    A bigger threat is Microsofts new 'ipod killer', so I'd be surprised if there isn't a major make over for the iPod range soon - definetly in time for Christmas. No doubt it will be better for watching video, with a movie store following later.

    I don't see upgrades to the existing Mini/iMac/Macbook range being that news worthy. Nor is an enhanced home media server type offering likely to be coming soon, I'd of thought that will come in Leopard.

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  • BillyBobBongo
    Apr 20, 09:54 AM
    Wonder how long this item will remain here...the one on Engadget managed about 7 minutes. ;)

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  • Yamcha
    Mar 22, 02:10 PM
    I'm hoping we don't see Apple adopting the HD Intel Graphics, cuz they are going to suck as far as gaming goes..

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  • fishcove
    May 3, 10:25 AM
    Who has room for two external displays on a desk that already has a 27" iMac?! Dual outs on the MBP would make much more sense, although achieving it may be more of a technical challenge in terms of GPU power.

    I'm thinking of a 3-monitor gaming/sim setup. No desk - think cockpit.

    Sep 19, 09:02 PM
    FWIW $50M/year is ~0.2% of Disney's revenue (they made ~$30B/year for the past few years). Definitely not chicken feed, but not earth shattering either.BConsidering that they sold "010101010's", I think an extra $50M is extraordinary. Apple ripped 75 DVDs, made a few web pages and boom... $1M in 7 days! I don't know what you're talking about... you're thinking small... $50M/YR is JUST THE BEGINNING.

    Mar 29, 11:34 AM
    If they load it on every free, **** phone out there. Actually sounds very possible. Race to the bottom.

    Mar 22, 07:19 PM
    Good, my iMac G4 began to act its age � but really only with PS3 � a couple of months ago. I plan to again max out the processor, memory and harddrive upgrades and get another 7.5 years out of this next one.

    Apr 23, 09:06 AM
    Some of us principally us the air for what it was designed for computing on the go i.e. travel. When you travel a lot it is nice to be able to kick back and enjoy a game or two. The ultimate 13 in plays all the recent games pretty well and works as a second laptop with my company provided POS.

    Sep 19, 03:34 PM
    ... a final annual download number of 125,550.

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