الجمعة، 20 مايو 2011

1998 Mustang Gt

1998 Mustang Gt. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 20, 08:09 AM
    I'm still finding it hard not to believe this is a parody.

    You can live a long time without heat, electricity, oil.

    You can live for about 2 weeks without food.

    You can live 3 days without water. ;)

    A "North American Union" is a strategic planning balloon, or worse, and hardly a joke to Canadians.

    1998 Mustang Gt. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • JGowan
    Sep 19, 09:02 PM
    FWIW $50M/year is ~0.2% of Disney's revenue (they made ~$30B/year for the past few years). Definitely not chicken feed, but not earth shattering either.BConsidering that they sold "010101010's", I think an extra $50M is extraordinary. Apple ripped 75 DVDs, made a few web pages and boom... $1M in 7 days! I don't know what you're talking about... you're thinking small... $50M/YR is JUST THE BEGINNING.

    1998 Mustang Gt. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • PeterQVenkman
    May 3, 10:29 AM
    Two high end screens from dual thunderbolt on a 27 inch iMac? Wow. That is bad ass.

    1998 Mustang Gt. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • DVK916
    Sep 17, 08:23 PM
    ok.. see, i never said TECHNICALLY it was crap. OK, so CDMA can have higher speed than 3G GSM. ITS A MOBILE PHONE. what the hell do you need 14mbps for?

    a jet car that goes 300mph on a drag strip is NOT better than a Audi/Merc/BMW/Bentley/etc that only does 250mph, but can drive on a normal road.

    for consumers, it (CDMA) is crap. you are so used to having to choose a phone based on what your carrier supports (or vice-versa) that you can't see how that is a problem. GSM (which uses a SIM card) offers so much more flexibility. hell. I can take my phone to any country with a GSM network, put in a sim card, and VOILA i am connected (not that i need to worry anyway, with vodafone global roaming)

    WRONG GSM does NOT work in Japan. You can't go to any country and use it. Japan doesn't have GSM.

    1998 Mustang Gt. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • bandas101
    Mar 23, 05:51 PM
    Censorship Sucks! Don't do it Apple . Don't drink and drive. Doesn't matter what party a senator is from , they all are liars and cheats.

    1998 Mustang Gt. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 25, 10:22 AM
    But Don would never do that, he is an experienced driver for a 16 year old. And he was only doing 90, not 100. Big difference. There would barely be any damage if he hit a bridge at 90 - nothing that wouldn't buff out with a bit of polish and some elbow grease. Not that he'd ever have to worry about that, because Don is such an awesome driver, he'd never hit the bridge.

    so true.

    Even going the speed limit some random things can happen. I was driving back to Dallas a few years ago going speed limit (65 or 70 mph) and was common around a gentel bend in the road. bend end and font of my car is not facing straight down the road but off towards the side. I thinking "something is not right" clicks to me that I am sliding. From there I started fishing tailing and then just lovely skid and went off the road and spun. I come to a stop off the road facing the direction I was coming from.

    Threw off the fire chief driving from the other direction and the road workers who all witnessed it. To them it looked like I had a blow out and just could not recover from it.
    Nope what happen was TXDOT had just re-rocked the road and the new asphalt had not been pounded in yet by the cars. Complete a freak thing.

    Now they did tell me they would send the sweeper down to clean up the road again since that should not of happened. I will tell you that it was rather freaky having that happen. I can tell you that most people never experience a true skid at speed and telling you to turn into the skid works in theory but in reality it is very hard not to over correct.

    1998 Mustang Gt. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • QuarterSwede
    Sep 16, 02:21 PM
    It's certainly why I haven't. I wouldn't say the U.S. is so much behind the rest of the world (although that is true) but keep in mind U.S. carriers are all about keeping people locked into contracts. It's much easier to get a phone and change providers in Europe because they don't do hardware locking to network and prepaid is more proliferant. You can get lots of these great phones (by the way, they do make 10 megapixel camera phones now) if you buy them online, paying retail prices.

    The problem is most U.S. consumers are cheap as far as I can tell, most will not pay at all for a phone and even few will pay more than $100. The carriers cannot afford to subsidize these phones because even with them partially covering the cost a consumer will be looking at an over $250 cost with a contract..

    The U.S. cell phone is behind other countries because the U.S. cell phone network is behind other countries. We're just now getting 3G out in most of the country but Japan has had it and two way video calls for years.

    If I could afford it and was willing to take the gamble of learning a new UI, I would get the Nokia N73. But it's hard to justify spending that much on a cell phone for me and I'm more familiar with Nokia series 40 phones.
    I hear you on that. Just check out DoCoMo's (http://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/english/product/function_icon/index.html) phones (Japanese).

    1998 Mustang Gt. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • JAT
    Apr 29, 03:56 PM
    that was in 2005 when it first came out. by now they are on a revision that costs a lot less to make and they have sold a lot of games and XBL subs to make up for it. back when the 360 first came out it had an attach rate of 8 games, higher than Sony. figure at $10 licensing per game that's $80 per console on average plus XBL. so i don't know if the isuppli numbers are accurate.

    a lot of companies in the console market have been doing it like this for years. take a loss the first year or two, sell break even or small profit later in the cycle and make it up on the games. except for nintendo which is doing the opposite. make money early in the cycle and start losing money at the end of the cycle.

    2011 the division will probably turn a profit of $3 to $4 billion or so due to kinect. 2010 was also profitable. if the Nokia partnership works out 2012 will be even better.

    You do understand that 2008 minus 2001 plus development time is more than 1 or 2, right? That's 7, maybe 9 years of losses.

    My original comment was that this is a poor way to do it, from a finance perspective. There was no guarantee, and if Sony and M$ didn't have profit elsewhere, these wouldn't even exist. Nintendo made money on the Wii almost immediately, as you've claimed M$ did. It sounds like you are talking about Nintendo.

    1998 Mustang Gt. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • ChrisA
    Nov 13, 07:05 PM
    Why does Apple think it's okay to continually alienate and turn away developers?? :confused: Why do fanboys continue to excuse such incidences? Why aren't people SICK of this kind of behavior from Apple? :mad:

    This will continue until the Google Android threatens the iPhone. Then Apple will change their policy. Right now Apple simply does not have to care.

    1998 Mustang Gt. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • Eidorian
    Sep 9, 02:40 PM
    Wow so if that's in XP already it's gotta be a feature in Leopard.

    You call that Application Core Affinity or what's the correct full termonology? And where in the OS do you choose the applications to assign x number of cores with that dialog box. Looks like they're ready for a lot of cores coming up?!?! :eek:

    32. I'd say that's planning ahead.I think it might be in Windows 2000 as well. It's found via Task Manager under Processes. Right click on a process in the list and you can assign its affinity. Some programs crash when the encounter hyper threading or multi core machines. So you have to assign the process to a single CPU/core. More then likely on a dual processor machine from back then a multi-core one.

    1998 Mustang Gt. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • AidenShaw
    Mar 23, 04:48 PM
    Personally I find it hard to believe that so drunk as to warrant avoiding a checkpoint will be collected enough to use the app effectively in the first place.

    Miles you make a great point... You also confirm that Apple better pull them, its a pointless app because if your so drunk then you can't operate a phone let alone an app.

    If you've got a "buzz" - you're probably more than capable of using your phone, but less than capable behind the wheel.

    You don't have to be "falling down drunk" to be dangerous (and over the legal limit).

    1998 Mustang Gt. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 20, 11:59 AM
    That doesn't count either. You're looking at it wrong. :D

    Sorry [/puts on apple shades] WHOA! I see now! Steve Jobs is actually GOD!!!!

    1998 Mustang Gt. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • Maestro64
    Oct 27, 10:42 AM
    I wrote this on another site so if you heard it before that is why:

    I will start by saying groups like greenpeace serve a useful purpose, which is to challenge the status quo in the hopes of improving things in the world.

    However, greenpeace is far from being pure in their own methods. Anyone can point out what is wrong, it take people with true willingness to improve thing to find a solution, not just lobbing gernades into the middle of the table and running.

    Notice how they never answer the questions about how to solve the problem they just say stop using chemicals like brominated flame retardants, with no regard that Apple does not make, or innovate PCB (printed circuit boards). Apple does not dictate or madate what is used to keep a PCB from going up in flames as does any company who uses PCB. The PCB industry does and the world wide public safey agency who say that the PCB will not catch fire and burn your house down have this responsibility.

    Asked yourself, why hasn't the world's governments band bromited fire retardants when it is well know it is bad, really bad. because the best minds in the world have yet to come up with a cost effective alternative solution that will keep a PCB from catching fire and buring your house down. and still pay $200 for your iPod.

    Trust me if greenpeace came up with a green PCB having no impact on the environment the world market would beat their door down to get it. Then they could stop having those poor long hair young kids coming around our neighborhoods asking for money to fight all those big bad companies. But that would be part of the solution instead of being part of the problem.

    Part of the reason most companies do not listen to greenpeace is because, when they offer a solution many times they come back years later and say hey that is bad too. Prime example they and other groups told McDonalds in the 70's to stop using paper products to package their burgers, and told them to use styrofoam since it did not require the cutting of trees. Only to come back years later and say styrofoam was hurting the atmophere and they should use paper products. I think they forgot they told them using paper was bad too.

    BTW, DELL and HP are trying to make the change not because greenpeace told them stop, because it make business sense. The world is changing and people are tired of seeing all this stuff end up in land fills. In Europe they are running out of space and they do not want to see all the nasty stuff end up in their eco system. Europe has said if you can not recycle it, you have to take it back. Again, greenpeace had nothing to do with this, it about trade and the fact that Europe makes less and less products ever year and importors more. It is a trade barrier disguise as protecting the eco system.

    My comment to greenpeace and others is when you are naked in the woods living off the land and not impacting the earth yourself then you have room to critized what the rest of the world is doing. Think about how much greenpeace has impacted the earth getting their message out, all the computers, networks , chemicals, fossil fuel, nuclear engery that was used to just get this message to all of us. They never consider this, becuase they feel it is ok for them to impact the earth as long as they are doing it in the name of conservation.

    Full disclosure, I own Apple stock and as well as I have given money to organization like greenpeace and the Sierra club

    1998 Mustang Gt. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • surf2snow1
    Mar 30, 11:48 AM
    I want my 5 mins back from reading this article and writing this post......

    Sue M$

    1998 Mustang Gt. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • rikers_mailbox
    Sep 19, 01:42 PM
    I bought a movie (Good Will Hunting) to try out the whole shabang and see the quality for myself. The 1.5Gb download took 6+ hours on my crappy adelphia cable modem (it feels slower every day, what am I paying 50 bucks a month for again?). I was satisfied with the image quality on my 20" Dell widescreen, but sitting at my desk to watch a movie instead of my couch isn't the movie experience I'm going for. Sadly, I probably won't be buying another iTunes movie.

    Not that anyone cares.

    1998 Mustang Gt. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • XArt@justinks.c
    Sep 13, 09:01 AM
    Apart from the word serach not being on 5GiPod, only the new 5GiPod has it (but seem that this is incorect, proberly some hidden option to enable).
    It dose 640x480 h.264 when updated to 1.2 but still need to find out if it dose games as well as the new improved video size.

    has the new iPods been givev improved ARM7 or upgraded to ARM9 for games or is it the same and just needs 1.2 for games as well as 640x480 video

    1998 Mustang Gt. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • addicted44
    Apr 22, 10:21 AM
    Why do I get the feeling that the people downvoting this are the same who were upvoting Amazon's service, despite Apple's service being "like Amazon's, except licensed from the labels"? Who wants to bet Amazon gets screwed when they go back to renegotiate their deal with the labels?

    (Its like the people who were anti-patents, and downvoted news of Apple suing Samsung, but upvoted news of Samsung suing Apple for patents).

    1998 Mustang Gt. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • iStudentUK
    Apr 11, 02:55 AM
    To some extent, sure.

    The big difference is that in the UK you can get cars which do 55 miles per US gallon, one that does that - the �17,345 1.6 Econetic Ford Focus does nearly 62 miles per US gallon.

    And that car is made by a US company.

    55 miles to the gallon isn't even abnormal, a lot of standard hatchbacks/small family cars do that and more.

    1998 Mustang Gt. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • PeterQVenkman
    May 3, 10:29 AM
    Two high end screens from dual thunderbolt on a 27 inch iMac? Wow. That is bad ass.

    Sep 26, 10:48 AM
    Cingular is by far the worst cell carrier in terms of customer service and I will never go back to them (nor will they have me back, I suspect). If true, it's too bad Apple decided to go this route instead of just providing a selection of phone types like Palm with the Treo. With the Treo, you can get a Sprint, Verizon, Cingular or unlocked phone so everyone who wants one can have it.

    The worst part about this being for Cingular is that they will NEVER let you unlock the phone and who knows if Apple will do it for you (I HIGHLY doubt it). I tried and they gave me the run around about not unlocking the phone because it could allow malware from other phone networks to get on their phones. That's a load of BS.

    This really stinks since I'm tired of having a huge Treo, eventhough it's a great phone, and smaller phones just don't have the features. I was hoping that Apple's offering would be the perfect compromise. I guess instead of getting our underware in a bundle, we might as well sit back and wait until the iPhone is release... if it's ever released.

    Mar 30, 01:11 PM
    Interesting. Microsoft calls these files "Programs" and always has. Nothing called an application exists in Windows, it only has programs. Seems maybe MS is a little late to this game, and they're gonna piss all over it for everyone else.

    Apr 22, 01:42 PM
    I do hope that processor speed bump will not be the only change in the new MBAs. However, looking at Samsung 9 's pricepoint and what it offers makes me feel discouraged that Apple will put larger SSDs in the new MBAs.

    Perhaps the new selling points will be:
    - much faster processors - closing the gap to the 13" MBP
    - increased battery life - 5:30-6 hours on 11", > 7 hours on 13"

    I think it's unlikely that we see larger SSDs as standard on MBA until IB

    Apr 11, 06:21 AM
    Apple don't like the word 'expose' in any form whatsoever. :p

    Well, except for that whole "Expos�" part of OS X :rolleyes:

    Aug 28, 01:23 PM
    Yeah, Apple would NEVER do THAT. :rolleyes:

    These are products that are now competing directly with the products or the PC industry. I have been using macs since I was about 4, but now that Apple is using Intel Processors, all they really have going for them are their ability to run OS X and their design, which are huge for most of Apple's current market. The ability to run Windows though has helped recently to increase Apple's sales, but it means that apples are now directly competing with Dell, HP and the like. It used to be that apple boasted about their benchmarks versus PCs, but with the Mac Pro, they have been boasting about their price. The innards of a high-end Dell workstation are almost identical to those of the Mac Pro, and likewise, the MacBook and MacBook Pros are very similar to the offerings of the rest of the computer industry. If apple wants to be able to market their products based solely on their products special features they won't sell. It has been the comparible performance along with the things that make Apples Apples that have caused MacBooks to become backordered.

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