الجمعة، 20 مايو 2011

Teamsters Local 25

Teamsters Local 25. Teamsters Local, Sys,
  • Teamsters Local, Sys,

  • Multimedia
    Sep 9, 01:30 PM
    That's because the second pass only uses one core.No. it's still using more than one core. More likely because of the speed limitation of the hard drive writing the mp4 file.

    Teamsters Local 25. Teamsters Local 777
  • Teamsters Local 777

  • iRobby
    Mar 22, 04:41 PM
    I have been waiting for the new iMac line-up FOREVER.

    This will be my first Mac in my house since an Apple IIe. I used others in school till 1993 and 1996 in college.

    Now, I just gotta wait for Lion to be pre-installed on them before I buy.

    I'm not going to learn two separate OS in less than 3-4 months. I will be learning from scratch since I'm crossing over from PC thanks to my iPhone 3GS which i'm upgrading to an iPhone 5 as well...

    Teamsters Local 25. Teamsters Local 777
  • Teamsters Local 777

  • yg17
    Apr 25, 09:31 AM
    Instead of increasing the driving age, what about requiring more logged hours with a parent whit a learner's permit, manditory quality driver's ed, and making it harder for unsafe drivers to get their licence? Then require a one year driving check up a year after the licence was attained?

    I don't think that would've done much good here. His mom was encouraging him to do this ****.

    Teamsters Local 25. Teamsters Local 25 Charlestown
  • Teamsters Local 25 Charlestown

  • Yebubbleman
    Apr 25, 03:38 PM
    Hilarious to all those people who jumped on the THUNDERBOLT bandwagon. No thunderbolt devices yet and they have the hideous old case design.


    Like that Alienware you've been eying has a prettier design. Where are you going to find a better design?

    Great, I've been hungering for a new Macbook Pro for quite some time, and was hoping I could hold out long enough to get a non-ugly model :)

    I can't stand the UB look.

    Again, I challenge you to find a better looking, better designed laptop chassis on the market.

    Thinner, no optical...perhaps SSD only?

    I'd prefer a smaller bezel the same color as the MBA. Say, 1/4" or a little smaller? Larger trackpad for more gestures?

    It's called the MacBook Air. Go buy one now. Meanwhile us MacBook Pro customers will be happy actually having features.

    There is your answer, people think it should be thinner

    It's true. And they are the rare few that want only a MacBook Air with a larger screen and a discrete GPU. Good thing those people are in the minority.

    Nice. My 17 MBP (Early 2009) will be getting close to the end of its life cycle by then, allowing me to easily slide into a new MBP.

    End of its life-cycle? Is there an app you can't run on that thing? Or are you one of those people on here that can't be out of date? An Early 2009 17" MacBook Pro wasn't something to shake a stick at last I checked. Through true, it is older than a week.

    Wow, you people...


    Let me clarify, i made my decision before this news was posted here. I really dont see nothing wrong with waiting on this refresh especially if it will be a huge step forward(which i believe it will be).

    The "step forward" of which you speak, of which is the basis of this article, is only in regards to the exterior design, nothing else. Sure if they improve upon the durability and the ease of servicing, that'll be a decent step forward, otherwise, we're talking about cosmetics, and again while most of the people who lurk these forums care about form over function, function is all that matters and it won't be that different next rev, redesign or not.

    They already have that product...it's called the MacBook Air.


    Translated: Next macbook pro will be a macbook air. MBA will cease to exist as a discrete product line. Happening late fall 2011 (if we're lucky).

    You have a very bass-ackwards definition of luck.

    I think it's almost a given that they'll do away with the superdrive. There's no need for it. And if they move to flash storage, they could make it a bit thinner and lighter. It would be like a Macbook air, but with powerful mobile processors.

    Right, because I get high-speed internet everywhere! Because my MacBook Pro has 4G (and because 4G, itself, is ubiquitous). Because with a "MacBook Pro", I enjoy the inconvenience of having to have an external optical drive (because after all, the MacBook PRO line is all about conservation of space). Most people with the anti-superdrive arguments don't realize how very selfish and ridiculous their stances are. Luckily for them, there's an app for that, namely the MacBook Air.

    This, if it and Ivy Bridge, lower SSD prices/larger capacities come to fruition solidify my decision to stay with my 2010 and wait for the 2012 refresh.

    Your computer is only one year old; at that point it'll only be two, maybe two and a half years old. Will you REALLY NEED a new computer at that point?

    please get rid of the bezel. make it as small as possible.

    please do not make it thinner. rather reduce footprint and keep battery life up.

    Laptop design doesn't work that way. They won't make it thicker and if they reduced the footprint, they'd reduce the size (and therefore capacity) of the battery. Nice idea though.

    SSD + HD - Optical Drive = Sold

    SSD + HD - Optical Drive =! MacBook Pro


    Or just get a USB optical drive and have the best of both worlds ... you won't be forced to lug around something you only use once in a while :)

    If the ODD is integrated, I'm not forced to lug around an extra part when I need to use it. Or is your definition of inconvenience backwards?

    Ehrrrm, a superdrive is what invariably fails first and gives your laptop almost an extra kilogram of weight you need to carry around. Because taking it off means losing warranty.

    A superdrive is not a trait of a "Pro" laptop. The speed and reliability are. Imagine a RAID array of SSDs packed together in a package the size of a superdrive. Imagine a pico projector in that slot � this is what Toshiba is going to do real soon now.

    A Kilogram? Have you ever held a bare slot-load drive before? They're barely suitable for paperweights. I'll grant you that the slot-load models Apple uses are disgustingly failure proned, but the solution is to design a better one, not throw the bloody baby out with the bath water. A Pro laptop is like a swiss-army knife, equipped with any tool ANY professional could possibly need. Hence why the "MacBook Pro" of any Apple laptop should have the optical drive. Again, if you absolutely can't have one, the MacBook Air is a decent alternative.

    The optical drive doesn't make it "Pro" it makes it "outdated" and "unnecessary." If you need an optical drive by an external one, there is no need to hold up the majority that never use them.

    Contrastingly, if you need to not have one, you can always buy a MacBook Air. I don't use my FireWire 800 port often, but when I do, I'm thankful it's there. The same goes for the optical drive. Again, if you don't want it, Apple makes the MacBook Air which comes without it for the truly space-concious.

    Teamsters Local 25. Flickr: Teamsters Local 743#39;s
  • Flickr: Teamsters Local 743#39;s

  • 4God
    Aug 28, 12:16 PM
    Merom... (http://guides.macrumors.com/Merom)

    Yeah for the portables, but Conroe for the desktop.

    Teamsters Local 25. 500 Teamsters Honor Picket
  • 500 Teamsters Honor Picket

  • ro2nie
    Aug 24, 07:29 AM
    If you can't against them, join them

    Teamsters Local 25. 2011 Teamsters Local Union 25
  • 2011 Teamsters Local Union 25

  • caspersoong
    Apr 22, 05:06 AM
    Useless to me if it is just for iTunes purchases. Please focus on more important things, Apple.

    Teamsters Local 25. Teamsters Union Local No. 59
  • Teamsters Union Local No. 59

  • twostep665
    Apr 4, 12:12 PM
    Yes, they were running away and unarmed. Read the article before making such an idiotic post.

    If they were running away and unarmed then the security guard was in the wrong.

    Tennessee v Garner says that you cannot shoot an unarmed fleeing felon in the back.

    Teamsters Local 25. Fort Point Channel Boston middot; Autism
  • Fort Point Channel Boston middot; Autism

  • toddybody
    Apr 22, 12:49 PM
    I think the big advantage to this downgrade will be buying clearance and refurbished Nvidia-based MBAs for 25% discounts... Unless Apple somehow fits a standard voltage SB CPU in the 13" MBA, I think most will be better off with C2D and Nvidia 320m at discounts.

    Thats what I'm thinking...hoping to grab a 13 at ~1000/1100 on Amazon.

    Teamsters Local 25. Teamsters Union 25 Health
  • Teamsters Union 25 Health

  • spicyapple
    Sep 11, 09:37 PM
    Since we are on the eve of the announcement, I thought I'd give my 2 cents. :)

    I hoping for downloadable movies to own at either $9.99 or $14.99 and in high definition. It might be in 720P as a download service just can't compete with Netflix or walking to your friendly neighbourhood DVD rental store. And because the movies are in H.264, the download of HD movies should not take any more time than regular DVD, although if they released movies in 480P, it wouldn't be too bad, either, although with DRM and the time to download, doesn't make it competitive against DVD, plus you don't get the fancy packaging or the hard-disc copy.

    Teamsters Local 25. Teamsters Local 25 Lights
  • Teamsters Local 25 Lights

  • mashinhead
    Sep 9, 05:48 PM
    I want to see some unpacking pics of that 24inch model compared with the 20in. Soon enough I suppose.

    yeah that 24 incher is a very tempting deal.

    I have a Dual Core 2.0 G5 and a 20 inch monitor. I'm considering selling just the G5 and Getting a Low End Mac Pro. Or selling both and getting the iMac. I know that MacPro is better, but the price compared to what you get with the iMac is just too good. So torn.:rolleyes:

    But also looking at My 20 inch ACD right now, I can't help but think how F*#king huge that iMac must be. If they made an all black one thouth it would be over. I wish they made black ACD's and MacPro's too now that i think bout it.

    Teamsters Local 25. Teamsters Local 175 president
  • Teamsters Local 175 president

  • 28monkeys
    Apr 28, 07:17 PM
    Eat that micry

    Teamsters Local 25. the Teamsters Local 456
  • the Teamsters Local 456

  • mex4eric
    Apr 22, 05:09 PM
    If Apple has this expectation, they had better at least sell an appropriate adapter/hub. I've long thought a thin, form-matching hub that connects to all of the ports on one side of an Apple portable would be a great idea. If Apple can make a 2- or even 3-port USB hub off of the Thunderbolt port (especially if a Mini Display-Port is also available) for ~$50, that would be golden for this type of MBA plan.

    Hey, they could build a little hub with a cord that plugs into the TB port and provide a few USB 1,2,3 ports, maybe a firewire port, plus a glowing Apple logo on top and call it an iHub.

    Teamsters Local 25. Teamsters Local 25 (PSAV
  • Teamsters Local 25 (PSAV

  • nylonsteel
    Mar 29, 11:33 AM
    i would hate to see msft dominate mobile os
    interesting projection from idc
    would like to see instead aapl ios and android over msft

    Teamsters Local 25. Local 25 Campaign Flyers
  • Local 25 Campaign Flyers

  • BRLawyer
    Apr 28, 04:03 PM

    *jumps into Windows 7 in Parallels to check it out again*

    "Awesome???" :confused:

    Awesome to those used to sub-par products...

    The perfect analogy would be you and your lazy cousin: you pass school every year with excellent grades and get normal Christmas presents since this is your expected performance.

    But when your lazy/stupid cousin, who has failed school two or three years in a row, passes with reasonable grades, he gets a Ferrari...get it? :rolleyes:

    Teamsters Local 25. Veolia Locks Out Teamsters Local 104 Members - Worldnews.com
  • Veolia Locks Out Teamsters Local 104 Members - Worldnews.com

  • Eidorian
    May 3, 11:47 AM
    You can daisy chain multiple monitors with DisplayPort 1.2, and it has much more bandwidth than a Thunderbolt channel.Any instances and hardware where this is carried out?

    Teamsters Local 25. Teamsters-Local-14
  • Teamsters-Local-14

  • rdrr
    Sep 15, 06:51 PM
    what about enough built-in memory.

    Most current phones have 64 MB of memory. According to actviity monitor, simple widgets like Gas, and Sol take between 6.2 - 8 MB of memory, where the more gui type of widgets take 20 - 32 MB of memory. Put that load on a typical phone with a OS and apps like iChat, iTunes, etc... It won't fly unless you can cram 1 GB into iPhone.

    Teamsters Local 25. of the Teamsters Local 743
  • of the Teamsters Local 743

  • gugy
    Sep 6, 12:08 AM
    Don't forget the 42" HD monitor Apple will drop at the event. What else did you think Apple would let you watch a movie on? (beside your iPod of course)

    Bring it on!

    Teamsters Local 25. Teamsters Local 25 Charlestown
  • Teamsters Local 25 Charlestown

  • W1MRK
    Mar 23, 06:04 PM
    I am for this app and I used to assist Local Law Enforcement at these types of events as a Vol. Emergency Management officer.

    The fact of the matter is that while they remove some drunks off the road the Vast majority of tickets are for seatbelt, insurance, registration, and other minor factors. My Wife was ticketed 1 mile from our house ( at a "drunkcheck" ) for not having her license on her. The Round Lake Park, Illinois cop was to lazy and wanted his quota so he didn't run her in LEADS (Database) or call it in.

    I saw the light. One thing to check for drunk drivers. Another completely to work for the budget.

    Yes I wasn't a cop. But I stood next to them the whole time, an oh what I saw and Heard. ( I really should write a book )

    Please Apple Keep this App. Like someone who is drunk will remember to check this app while driving or update it for the rest of us.

    Michael Kulis

    Apr 4, 12:17 PM
    I'm as pro gun rights as anyone, but this sounds like a problem for the security guard. Unless that guard's life was in danger, there was no reason to shoot anyone, especially in the head. The placement of that shot was no accident.

    That being said, I'm sure there are a lot of facts we don't know. Innocent until proven guilty, of course.

    Unfortunately justified shooting or not it's always a problem for the shooter. I highly doubt the headshot was intentional. Unless he's an ex-special forces guy, he probably was just shooting wildly and got a lucky shot (well, lucky might not be the right word). When bullets started flying, he was probably terrified without enough composure to aim for the head. And if he came upon armed people, identified himself and they pointed guns at him, he has a very valid reason to shoot them. The mere presence of weapons puts the guard's life in danger.

    It's odd that you judge his actions in the first part of your post, but then say that there's not enough facts in the second. :confused:

    Apr 23, 01:58 PM
    As far as you're concerned maybe, but as far as what's common or not, you're out of it. There's a reason every laptop out there has some kind of external display connector.

    But silly me, I must be a moron for using the mini display port right ? :rolleyes:

    You're doing it wrong. I plug in 4 cables. Power, Monitor, Speakers, USB. My keyboard/mouse/tablet/Printer/iPhone/iPod all get recognized instantly. That's what the USB hub on my desk is for. 1 cable, all devices.

    If Apple had docks, it would be even better. Just drop the laptop in place and voila. But I guess docks just aren't esthetic enough.

    There is nothing uncommon about it, so again, thank you for calling me stupid because I dare use a MBA as my only computer and I dare launch games on it, while connected to an external monitor of all things!

    Keep your insults for yourself next time.
    I kindly ask you to not put words in my mouth I've never written. I've never called you 'moron' or 'stupid' or using foul language about you. 'Keep your insults for yourself next time' is not a very kind thing to say, and I am actually wondering whether I should report you to the moderator.

    Apr 19, 12:25 PM
    if samsung stops providing displays to apple, it would be the best thing ever..NO MORE YELLOW TINT ISSUES!!!

    Sep 9, 10:12 AM
    I don't think that there's any data yet on failure rates and problems with the new Core 2 iMacs...

    He is talking about reliability data from at least the last 10 years, Aiden...data you must have no clue about, of course...after all, Macs just started doing Windows, right? :rolleyes:

    Feb 27, 06:09 AM
    I am constantly amazed at the number of people who buy into this crap!

    Here, I'll try to spell it out for you:
    Apple has no antivirus for IOS because it would be completely useless. In order for a virus to get through to an IOS device it has to get past Apple's reviewers. That's the only way to install software of any kind on IOS, including malware.

    Maybe the 'antivirus' for iOS.. will be more of a barrier, since they are wireless and bluetooth enabled etc... Isn't it pretty simple for certain programs to scan for vulnerable iOS devices.?

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