الجمعة، 20 مايو 2011

Childcare Act 2006

Childcare Act 2006. hits like quot;Act Naturally,quot;
  • hits like quot;Act Naturally,quot;

  • bluebomberman
    Sep 14, 11:50 AM
    MacWorld corrected the date to September 25 (so *not* on a Sunday).

    Childcare Act 2006. definition of child care
  • definition of child care

  • Eidorian
    Aug 28, 12:18 PM
    Yeah for the portables, but Conroe for the desktop.Did you read the guide? You're talking about the iMac Core Duo, correct?

    Childcare Act 2006. 30003050 - Supportive Child
  • 30003050 - Supportive Child

  • firsttube
    Sep 13, 09:36 PM
    I am not really crazy about this design. Having to slide the click-wheel down every time I need to use my phone doesn't sound like fun (plus, what would this thing look like open? ...what I'm picturing is ugly).

    I was hoping for an iPod Nano form factor with a numerical keypad... nice an simple.

    do you dial numbers every time you use your phone? I have a samsung t809, and i don't slide it down most of the time, unless i want to answer it that way. It's kinda fun, but it's not required to answer the phone.


    oh yeah, this plays aac's and any song as a ringtone. so that makes ringtone purchases 0.00 if you own the song already... what a concept!

    Childcare Act 2006. 31 of the Broadcasting Act
  • 31 of the Broadcasting Act

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 20, 11:09 AM
    Don't rely on encryption to protect you in any way. The police can crack it, as can hackers, and they can simply demand with a court order that you give them the password.

    Depends on the cipher really. Not all ciphers can be decrypted with even the latest of the latest hardware, especially if you lack the private key. And a court order can force you all you want to give up that private key, but they can't force you to remember it or not lose it. ;)

    "I don't remember" or "I lost the private key to my encrypted backup, but here's the AES-256 encrypted file guys, have a go at it" are perfectly good answers.

    As for this topic, SLA/ToS whatever. Not everything written in a TOS is legal or binding. If they wrote you had to murder your 1st born child, would you ? Would a court find it legally binding ? Of course not. Invasions of privacy aside, is there even a reason to store the location information like that, timestamped and polled every second ?

    Why can't the device poll my location when asked for it only ? Why does it need to do it periodically ? Why is there no cleaning up after a certain time has elapsed ?

    All serious questions. Even if I don't have anything to hide my privacy is still important to me. If I want you to know about my mundane life with no frills, I'll tell you about it.

    Childcare Act 2006. Teachers and childcare workers
  • Teachers and childcare workers

  • hipeye01
    May 4, 02:04 PM
    Do any of these suits ever actually get resolved?
    yes they do. For good or ill, more conflicts are being mediated out of court. This saves taxpayer money:), but also prevents case law from being made, leaving judges without precedent to refer to in other cases:(

    Childcare Act 2006. In 2006, the Ontario
  • In 2006, the Ontario

  • princealfie
    Oct 27, 12:26 PM
    Bravo... get rid of those guys... good environmentalists don't commit aggression on others.

    Childcare Act 2006. through 2006–07.
  • through 2006–07.

  • fatfish
    Aug 23, 07:00 PM
    There's more to this than anyone here as realised I believe.

    A hundred with 6 zero's is an awful lot of cash, even for Apple, but what gets me is just how quickly this has been settled.

    Before going down that road though, lets understand that fighting this case could have cost Apple between, let's say half as much and maybe 3 times as much, so it's a fair gamble. Additionally it seems that Apple have endorsed the creative patent, which may pave the way to creative receiving further license fees of which it seems Apple will receive a share.

    The deal also lets creative move into the accessory market with made for ipod and out of the mp3 player market. I don't know if this is usual but I have an ipod which cost � 270, but I have around � 400 of made for ipod accessories. Perhaps creative will earn more from accessories than their zen. creative have struggled against the ipod, the zune may not have a significant impact on ipod sales but it would destroy the zen.

    In many ways it is all the accessories for the ipod that make it so irresistible. creative may not only join the made for ipod market, but enhance it and ultimately benefit Apple. Also whilst not clear here whether the tag is free or not, I believe the made for ipod tag earns apple 10% of sales, which if not free is likely to recover all if not more than the $100 m paid to creative.

    Now to the issue of how quickly Apple settled. I have to wonder why Apple could not have hung on for 6 months, offered creative half or 3/4 as much and had their hand snapped off because of creative's declining situation. Put simply I believe the deal had to be done quickly because Apple are about to announce something big, something that may have made the $ 100m look miniscule.

    Childcare Act 2006. Childcare Thursday,
  • Childcare Thursday,

  • T'hain Esh Kelch
    Sep 12, 02:45 PM
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, someone reply to my post....
    as a person who just purchased the last version of 5gen video ipod, this comes to me as quite a shock really.... i knew this was coming but actaully hoping that it was everything 'rumor' but turns out it's not.....

    anyway, my point is:


    although 30 and 80 seem to share most of the new features which are obviously crap(game? who plays that? and search bar? i don't need that crap, too shabby, biatch)
    but the thing is BATTERY, gosh

    they've plugged about how their new 80 gen has total 20 hrs of battery life and 6.5 hrs of video play, but what about freaking 30???? I SERIOUSLY WANNA KNOW.

    i've been to apple store and engadget for live broadcast, but there was no info whatsoever on 30's battery, other than its MAXIMUM battery was 14.... the thing i wanna know is its VIDEO MAXIMUM BATTERY.... is it, again 2 hours? i hope so!! cause i just bought this ol' **** at such higher price and now i feel totally duped. well it was my fault in the first place but i thought it was all RUMOR......................GAWD
    No need to use large letters like that, it is considered rude on web-boards.

    And the thing is, Steve can't mention every single little bit that has changed. Are you too lazy to go to Apples webpage where everything is stated very clearly on the iPods spec page?

    Childcare Act 2006. Jack#39;s Childcare backpack,
  • Jack#39;s Childcare backpack,

  • NT1440
    Apr 19, 10:56 PM
    Keep listening to corporate run media which lies and doesn't tell the whole story.. my friend, unemployment and the economy aren't getting any better.. in fact, very soon it will collapse.. as inflation starts to settle in.. and if you wanna know the truth, look at BBC and other non-corporate run media for the truth. I know in my home state its like 7.9 percent and most of the jobs are health care and IT - no industrial, no customer service, nothing else.
    While I agree with not listening to corporate run media, you are severely misguided if you believe the BBC is quality journalism.

    Watch John Pilgers "The war you don't see" to see just how they think they should report what world leaders say. It's shocking.

    Childcare Act 2006. Child Care Ministries.
  • Child Care Ministries.

  • TrollToddington
    Apr 23, 07:47 AM
    Why assume people want to game on the go ? I don't game on the go with my MBA, I usually use it to VPN to work on the go or to do some hobby programming. However, when home, I plug it into my external monitor and I game there. Why wouldn't people with 11" do the same ? Play some WoW/StarCraft/Civilization/Portal/Whatever at home when "docked", unplug and take the laptop on the Go for other tasks they need to do away from home ?If you read my post more carefully you'll understand I was referring to the people who play games on the 11". As far as I'm concerned, working on a laptop with an external monitor plugged in is an exception (rare) and not something common.

    Are you guys so short sighted you can't see a lot of us don't have 2 computers ? What's the use when the MBA is capable of everything ?Perhaps you mean it is capable of everything you need it to do. I used to have a laptop as a single computer at my home. It resembled a Christmas tree pretty much - it had an USB optical mouse, a printer, external speakers, a Yamaha keyboard, card reader and power cord plugged in. I was always plugging and unplugging cables whenever I wanted to move it to another place. Thank goodness I did not come to the idea to attach an external monitor to it.

    Childcare Act 2006. 30004060 - Child Care Access
  • 30004060 - Child Care Access

  • KPOM
    Apr 22, 12:03 PM
    I don't see why this will it make cheaper. Beside MBA price lowered drastically from the previous iteration and had good sales recently because of it - so, don't hope too much about it.

    True. I'm guessing that Apple has found the right price point. Now that the 13" Pro has been updated, it is probably cannibalizing sales of the 13" Air, which may be why the sales have reportedly dropped so much. At the same time, Samsung and others have competing designs with the Core i5.

    I don't game, so I'd definitely consider putting the 11" up for sale and getting the 11" Sandy Bridge model. Perhaps I'll wait for them to appear as refurbs. If history is any guide, that would be the October timeframe, assuming these do come out in June.

    Childcare Act 2006. Lawyer, September 2006,
  • Lawyer, September 2006,

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Sep 14, 09:07 AM
    May be Apple will give a silent upgrade to MBP before the special event just like they did with Mini and iMac before "Its Showtime"!
    What say?
    Perhaps, but the big question is:
    What is Apple releasing at Photokina?
    Aperture 2.0 - too little
    ACD - recently updated
    MBP/MB - at a Photo conference??? hardly.
    iPhone - again at photo conference??
    I dont have clue...

    Childcare Act 2006. 30004060 - Low-Income Child
  • 30004060 - Low-Income Child

  • gugy
    Sep 19, 03:39 PM
    From what I've heard, the quality is pretty close to DVD. Have you compared the two? What is your complaint about quality?

    First of all I am not complaining. So don't jump to conclusions.
    I am stating the obvious. DVD frame size is better than 640x480 frame size.
    I acknowledge that the itunes movies are probably good. I just saying that I rather have the DVD frame size and quality. Plus I can have a physical DVD for back up with bonus, extras etc. It's just a preference.

    Childcare Act 2006. Oakfield child care students
  • Oakfield child care students

  • dvdhsu
    Nov 17, 06:27 PM


    To quote:
    "Good question raised by Guy English: Why is it OK for the new Star Wars: Trench Run iPhone game to include this image of an iPhone, when many other apps, like for example Instapaper, have been rejected for including original icon artwork that merely resembles an iPhone?"

    Boom. So what now apologists?


    Because the iPhone doesn't have a copyright.

    Childcare Act 2006. The ACT Opposition is calling
  • The ACT Opposition is calling

  • Multimedia
    Sep 13, 08:11 AM
    Does anyone know how to get into the quick search on the 5G iPods? I updated mine with the 1.2 software but I only see the quick scrolling letter thing.Pretty sure Quick Search Is Only On New 5.5G iPods. :(

    Childcare Act 2006. on Line September 2006
  • on Line September 2006

  • adamfilip
    Sep 11, 07:51 AM
    With people putting off for the "next big thing" I wonder how many people will end up buying nothing ;)

    im sure lots of people will keep on waiting and waiting
    but i like to get a good jump when i upgrade.. it helps justify the price

    Childcare Act 2006. “My desire to act and to make
  • “My desire to act and to make

  • sushi
    Aug 23, 10:28 PM
    Apple makes money off of iTunes - they won't tell us how much, but it is a money maker (all be it insignificant compared to the iPod)
    I think that you mean Apple makes money off of iTMS (iTunes Music Store). And yes, it would be interesting to know how much they really make.

    Childcare Act 2006. pretty happy about 2006.
  • pretty happy about 2006.

  • Ommid
    Apr 25, 12:50 PM
    Should be interesting!!

    Childcare Act 2006. The EPamp;A Act establishes a
  • The EPamp;A Act establishes a

  • cr2sh
    Sep 5, 01:34 PM
    Hah... this is so funny.

    Apple sends out invites that seem to indicate a moviestore, rumors abound about new nanos... and what do the forums turn into:

    "I hope they release a phone."

    "New macbooks please!"

    "Apple DVR!"

    :confused: :o

    Where do they come up with this stuff?

    Aug 23, 05:14 PM
    Well for a company that's almost bankrupt I guess this was a worthwhile event for them. Now Creative can continue to make "adapted copies" of the iPod and lose money all over again.

    Judging by their past business practices it's only a matter of time before they teeter on the edge of insolvency then I guess they'll have to come up with another reason to sue Apple all over again.

    Mar 30, 11:33 AM
    Office and Windows are/were generic words OUTSIDE of the computer industry (like Apple). But app(lication) store is a generic word INSIDE of the computer industry and that the big legal difference here.

    Like I just said.... Mac's had windows (and they called them that) before PC's had "Windows". Mac OS has used windows and trash and all that drag-and-drop and double-click-a-file goodness long before any DOS PC had it. Xerox invented it, sold it to Apple, and Apple used it in the Mac.

    "Windows" was a generic term in the computer industry before Microsoft had any trademark.

    EDIT: I still think neither should be allowed, but given the precedents out there I would give Apple the "App Store" trademark. Certainly MS is the pot calling the kettle black here. Considering their windows-based operating system is called "Windows" and their Office productivity suite is called "Office". These guys should all have to come up with better names for their stuff if they want a trademark. Like.... why not just stick an "i" in front of it? iApp Store (see how easy that was).

    Apr 22, 03:05 PM
    my point is that they stream from a location and aren't stored locally....
    they stream fine for me.

    because you are beholden to the content people for how long they want that content to be streamable. See loss of Dexter on Netflix as an example (or even the rolling expiration of movies).

    Sep 13, 09:09 PM
    Even if Apple makes a crappy phone, I will probably want this thing. Mainly because I am certain that Apple will make this compatible with iLife, address book, iTunes,etc.

    It will be so nice to finally have a phone that can easily connect to my mac and work seemlessly with my existing address book. music, photos, safari faves, maps, etc.

    I am so sick of editing syncing, tricking, teasing, and spending hours of wasted time to get data into my phone.

    Apr 14, 12:52 PM
    The PC industry is plagued with lowest common denominator, low cost crap.

    Apple and Intel are trying to move forward. We should support that.I do not appear to recall Apple extolling the Intel HD 3000.

    Otherwise, I am still waiting for proof that Thunderbolt is on the Panther Point controller and I find it unlikely it is on the processor itself given the current PCIe hackjob to implement it.

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