الجمعة، 20 مايو 2011

4 1 Ipod

4 1 Ipod. Featured Picture 1
  • Featured Picture 1

  • antster94
    Apr 4, 11:56 AM
    Seems unfair to kill someone for robbery. Yes they're breaking the law, but only deserve a prison sentence. Do you really really think someone should be shot and killed for attempting to steal a few laptops and smash a few windows? If you do then man you have issues.

    4 1 Ipod. iOS 4.3.1, iPod touch 4
  • iOS 4.3.1, iPod touch 4

  • JoshH
    Aug 28, 03:26 PM
    Come on Apple... open the doors. Let's not be too far behind, here...

    4 1 Ipod. view larger (1)
  • view larger (1)

  • cube
    Mar 30, 01:41 PM
    So, here is an interesting argument, as app is short for Applications, and Applications are a strict subset of programs, doesn't the App Store technically sell Programs, not Apps? Thus, the term is no generic at all. "Program Store" would the generic term. It's the same as a club called "Liqueur Store" (which is TMed.)

    That's like saying it's OK to name a restaurant "Burger Place" because it's technically a "Fast Food Place".

    4 1 Ipod. iOS 4.3.1 for iPhone, iPod and
  • iOS 4.3.1 for iPhone, iPod and

  • justflie
    Oct 27, 08:10 AM
    They do build in obsolescence into the ipod as you can't replace the battery (easily). It does become a disposable item, although a pricey one at that. I do love the ipod (even though I don't own one) but this puts me off to the point where I just can't go through with actually buying one. My experience with rechargeable batteries in mobile phones and lap top isn't good.
    Meh, don't worry about the batteries. Sure, some people have problems, but my 3G ipod is still doing surprisingly well! It may have lost a little bit of charge since I bought it but it still lasts at least 7 hours. Maybe I'm just lucky. Or maybe it knows it needs to behave before the sweet widescreen video ipod comes out. Or else. :D

    4 1 Ipod. Cydia on iOS 4.3.1
  • Cydia on iOS 4.3.1

  • ciTiger
    May 3, 11:03 AM
    What do people prefer? I've heard quite bad things about the Magic Mouse, the majority of people saying they find it uncomfortable etc?

    As I already have a good Logitech wireless mouse, would it be a better combination to use that plus the Trackpad?

    I love Apple but the magic mouse still has a lot to go.
    Now the trackpad on my MBP is something I can't live without, if you already have a good mouse get the trackpad,you won't regret it.

    4 1 Ipod. iPod information leaking,
  • iPod information leaking,

  • EagerDragon
    Sep 10, 09:07 AM
    Yea, I know what you mean. Apple needs to get on the ball with that already. They have been shipping dual core machines for a while yet OS X cant truly take advantage of it. Since intel will be using more cores as time goes by it only makes sense for OS X and it's apps to be able to harness the full power of all the cores/processors. I really really hope thats what they have planned for Leopard. Maybe its one of the " Super Secret Features" ??? :rolleyes:

    I think that Apple is still working on a gamer machine. I can only assume tat it will be Mac Pro based or a new enclosure. They currently do not support SLI (need support), are using buffered memory (slow), and needs to be user upgradable. I think it is coming but not untl some time next year.

    Open GL suporting multiple cores and multiple GPU power agregation is likely to be the ticket so insane performance that blows the rest. But I think it will wait until Leopard to be released. I am sure the next revision 10.4.8 will take us part of the way, but multi cpu, multi-package, multicores are comming. In Jan we should see 2 Quad cores in the Mac Pro and an even better dual Quad in summer. Only Leopard will be able to unleash the power.

    4 1 Ipod. with iPhone iPod dock 1
  • with iPhone iPod dock 1

  • ucfgrad93
    Apr 24, 11:56 PM
    Because I am going to. I'm a completely safe driver (even when doing 90 or above) until I run into some dunderhead who has to enforce the speed limit themselves. Had that woman just moved like everyone else did, I would have never had to cut her off in order to punish her. And yes I did have to punish her, because she needed to be taught her dang place on the road.


    Sure, your entire post just screams at what a safe driver you are. :rolleyes:I bet if your parents saw a post like this they would take away your car. You are a menace.

    EDIT: Saw your edit. If your mom is encouraging this type of behavior, neither one of you should be considered a safe driver.

    4 1 Ipod. iPad 1, iPod touch 4G,
  • iPad 1, iPod touch 4G,

  • TheIguana
    Nov 13, 11:50 PM
    Which law firm please. We'd all like to know for future reference, who to not trust our cases with. While most law has to do with the letter of the law, jury trials often are won or lost based on what the jury believes to be the intent or spirit of the law.

    The british common law legal system was never intended to be like this. The lawyers have destroyed and twisted it beyond all recognition. It was originally supposed to be based on judeo-christian morals and ethics. There is not supposed to be a grey area. You are either deliberately infringing on the rights of others or you are not. The original intent was to have a court case as the last resort where parties would first try to solve the problem by talking to each other, then go to arbitration and then court as a last resort.

    Come off it, cmaier has a darn good point. Apple is being utterly ridiculous in this debacle between themselves and Rogue Amoeba. There was no reason at all that such a debate should have evolved into a 3 month conflict, nor was it necessary that it should have ended with Rogue Amoeba having to indulge their customers in a battle with Apple over icons. Having user interface unity is something Apple strives for in all of their products. By giving 3rd party developers the ninth degree over something so ingrained in this product is simply stupid. It does nothing to help the end user, ingrain the confidence of developers, or aid Apple. It just brings out end users and developers with grievances and sharpened pitchforks.

    4 1 Ipod. 4.2.1 iPhone 4, iPad, iPod
  • 4.2.1 iPhone 4, iPad, iPod

  • DrDomVonDoom
    Apr 20, 11:08 AM
    In my experience, I immediately assume that using any electronic device with some kind of attachment to the internet, that what I am doing is splayed across the airways and collected by various agencies, be them Ad agencies, government agencies etc. I already know that I can be tracked, and called listened to, with no warrent. After those two privacies are gone, this doesn't seem like a real big deal to me.

    Its gonna sound douchey, but the odds are, astronomical vegas odds, that no one gives a **** who you are and where your at currently. Unless your a criminal, then who gives a ****? People love to heap worth upon themselves that doesn't exist. Your not a political figure, your a ******* with a iPhone working at McDonalds, calm the **** down and stop worrying about the government tracking you down and concentrate on my Hash Browns.

    As far as I can see I don't have a problem with law enforcement agencies being able to see into it, I have nothing to hide.

    Maybe if we were on a Android open system this might be a problem. :P

    4 1 Ipod. iPad 1, iPod touch 3rd
  • iPad 1, iPod touch 3rd

  • myemailisjustin
    Apr 20, 11:23 AM
    Plug in your iPhone, open iTunes, and in the SUMMARY window check the box related to backup encryption.

    This is why the researchers published this, so people take action. Encrypt your data, it's your choice to do so. Encrypted = safe(r) than not.

    **EDIT - And I'd be more worried about RFID in your bag of chips or RFID in the all the new tires that go on your car than a file you have the choice to encrypt. RFID in my tires, you can't encrypt that!

    4 1 Ipod. Where to Download iPod Touch
  • Where to Download iPod Touch

  • addicted44
    Apr 22, 10:16 AM
    The idea must delight at&t. Data charges will be very high

    What about those many places where 3G is not available
    ....weak reception areas
    ....no reception areas
    ....airplanes, subways,...

    Use the album that you downloaded, and synced onto your phone/iPod.

    There is NO indication that Apple will not be letting you still download your music. This is a service in ADDITION to what you can already do.

    Why is this so hard to grasp?

    4 1 Ipod. 123
  • 123

  • bjdku
    Sep 26, 10:18 AM
    Been saying it on the forums forever.
    2007 Apple pulls iTunes from Motorola
    2008 Apple launches iPhone with Cingular

    Ya, that is why you just registered in April and have only 8 posts.:rolleyes:

    4 1 Ipod. Jailbreak iPod Touch 4.2.1
  • Jailbreak iPod Touch 4.2.1

  • Beyondthought
    Mar 29, 12:05 PM
    Really!! I cant wait to get rid of my shite Windows Phone!!

    4 1 Ipod. Wait for this automated
  • Wait for this automated

  • Kebabselector
    Apr 30, 02:13 PM
    Isn't there an aftermarket for this?

    Not a real solution. Most people who want matte want the MBP type of option, no glass and real matte screen.

    4 1 Ipod. iPod touch 4 (1)
  • iPod touch 4 (1)

  • TheSailerMan
    Oct 12, 08:45 PM
    I was wondering when this was going to happen. I'm glad it finally has, though the news has been a bit abrupt, especially for an Apple product.

    As much as I like U2's music and how much I'd love to donate money to cure/treat AIDS, I won't be buying one of these.

    I like the blue nano too much to buy a red one just because $10 goes to charity, plus... I've been told that red "isn't my color." Seriously.

    This morning I was wearing a solid red t-shirt, kind of like the red that the nano is, and my mom told me to change my shirt. There's nothing wrong with the shirt, there's no profane graphics on it (actually, no graphics at all) and it wasn't wrinkled, she just told me that red "isn't my color" (even though she's the one that bought me the shirt)!

    Hmmm.... does anyone think this will get Greenpeace off Apple's back?:D
    Eh... probably not.:rolleyes:

    4 1 Ipod. ipod touch 2g mc. ipod touch
  • ipod touch 2g mc. ipod touch

  • swarmster
    Mar 30, 11:48 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/03/30/microsoft-hires-linguist-to-oppose-apples-app-store-trademark/)

    Apple noted (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/03/01/apple-defends-against-microsoft-in-app-store-trademark-dispute/) in a prior filing that it had moved to protect its trademark by reaching out to companies it believed was using the "App Store" name improperly, but Microsoft argues that the simple fact that those companies were using the term in the first place indicates that the term is generic.

    WOW! That's quite the argument Microsoft's putting forward. If that's true, they're arguing against the entire trademark system! Using someone else's trademark causes it to be generic and no longer a trademark?

    Good luck with that one.

    4 1 Ipod. ipod touch 2g mc. ipod touch
  • ipod touch 2g mc. ipod touch

  • rxse7en
    Jul 14, 11:14 AM
    I am glad you have enough knowledge to tell me why it is silly, instead of making a silly comment yourself.
    What's up with the personal insults? If you want to pay top dollar for incremental increases that's your choice. Most of us "professionals" would prefer the fastest systems available, because as we all know, time is money!

    4 1 Ipod. iPhone 4, iPhone 3G, an iPad,
  • iPhone 4, iPhone 3G, an iPad,

  • talkingfuture
    Apr 20, 09:47 AM
    Will be interesting to see Apple's response to this. I don't necessarily mind the data being collected for things like find my iPhone and forensics but I'd like it to be very well secured.

    4 1 Ipod. iFixit Torn Apart Another iPod
  • iFixit Torn Apart Another iPod

  • bdj21ya
    Oct 12, 04:43 PM
    Dude... That has to be the most racist thing I have ever read! :eek:

    Evolved???? And comparing humans to natural selection of animals????

    I don't see the point of your incredulity (come on man using 4 question marks twice in one post. That's totally flagrant).

    We aren't any different. Social interaction is just another aspect of biological evolution. It all breaks down to reactions between atoms and there's nothing racist about it. Are you going to tell me that the evolution of animals doesn't depend on their social interactions?

    Sep 5, 04:11 AM
    Don't all wireless devices have to be approved by the FCC?

    Might we get a preview of this device?

    I'm suprised nobody has mentioned this.

    Sep 5, 03:36 PM
    The one more thing would be the airport. If they introduce airport with video, they eliminate the need for a mac media center. The airport IS the media center, and you can use *any* mac to power it.
    While I agree, I disagree. I am not totally sold on wireless video networking. Filesizes are very large and god forbid it get interfierence with while you are watching a movie. Audio is OK because of very small birate. An airport "media center" is just not a good solution in some cases.

    Sep 14, 09:30 AM
    Why wait for the iPhone when you can have this iPodesque phone!

    Aug 29, 01:05 AM
    if apple wants to stay competivie, they need to release updates tomorrow.. not wait for paris but tomorrow. Plus i can order a new iMac this week and still get my free ipod nano :D
    I'll note that the Dell notebook isn't shipping until 14 September (6th for the low end), and the desktop version shows a ship date in November. Apple have plenty of time.

    i don't know, but i am not sure about this Intel thing yet!:mad:
    If you really had your heart set on the PowerBook G5 form factor, the Tadpole Bullfrogs (http://www.tadpole.com/products/notebooks.asp) come pretty close. SPARC is fairly unusual, the other kids on the street probably won't have them.

    Sep 12, 05:16 PM
    Christ, a $50 dollar price cut is a year of innovation? WOW.

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